
See: DUST 514

Osiris: New Dawn adds flares, talks weather patterns

So what about that weather we're having in Osiris: New Dawn? OK, it's unlikely that anyone will actually utter that as a conversation starter,...

EVE Evolved: Video highlights from EVE Fanfest 2017

For a few days each year, hundreds of EVE Online players from across the world flock to a frozen volcanic rock at the top of the world for...

EVE Fanfest 2017: DUST 514 successor Project Nova is still in development

Developer CCP Games made its first foray into the console FPS market back in 2013 with the incredibly ambitious DUST 514, and things didn't exactly go...
What's two times zero?

EVE: Valkyrie offers doubled experience for its first anniversary

Did you think that EVE: Valkyrie had been out for a whole year? Before you saw the headline, that is. Actually, perhaps you did...

Elder Scrolls Online grants glimpses of Morrowind’s Vivec and Ashlands

Ready for another super-short Elder Scrolls Online snippet? How about two? The Morrowind expanshachapter team has continued posting episodes in its travel series. Last...

The MOP Up: MMOs make math fun (March 5, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s The Head of the Snake

If you're reading this, then the poor ArenaNet team has finally managed to battle the crazy weather and pressed the big red button: The...

Guild Chat: Dealing with anxiety and the pressures of MMORPG guilds

Welcome along to another issue of Guild Chat, the column through which the Massively Overpowered community can come together to help readers in need...

Global Chat: Elder Scrolls Online renaissance

As I peruse a hundred or so community blog posts every day, it's fascinating to me to see what games the MMO blogosphere as...

Albion Online on buffing tanks and gear for gatherers

Albion Online Game Designer Michael Schwahn has a long-form dev recap out that should satisfy both the visual and auditory learners out there in our...
Oh jeez.

The MMOs we lost in 2016

If you thought we lost a lot of MMOs in 2014 and 2015, wait until you see 2016's list. It's easy to shrug off some...

Ship of Heroes demos Apotheosis City in new video

Just one month ago, we learned of the existence of yet another City of Heroes spinoff project: Ship of Heroes. And it's literally a...

EVE Evolved: 2016 EVE Online year in review

It's been another busy year for sci-fi MMO EVE Online, and an absolute roller coaster ride for both players and developer CCP Games. On the...

Massively OP’s 2016 gift guide for the MMORPG bookworm

Hey you! Yeah, the player who actually reads quest text and lore entries when all of the other hooting madmen are furiously clicking past...

One Shots: A home away from home

If you were to move into an MMO for real, where would you live? I posed this question last week to the One Shots...
Someone must have had fun with this at some point, right?

League of Legends crowns 2016 world champions

This past weekend, the battle went down in League of Legends' biggest tournament of the year. When the dust settled, Team SK Telecom T1...

Elder Scrolls Online’s One Tamriel is live along with ‘Trip of a Lifetime’ sweepstakes

The Elder Scrolls Online's One Tamriel is live today on PC, introducing a revamped world where all the level-locking content gates have crumbled to dust...
Actually developing a title to not be a boring slog is a skill some developers have yet to master.

Perfect Ten: The worst-squandered IPs in online gaming

There are always going to be differences in opinion about what should be done with an IP based upon a franchise. That's just natural....

Guild Wars 2’s Rising Flames episode will finally fix revive orbs

If you play Guild Wars 2, I bet you have a huge stack of pink revive orbs in your bank just like my stack,...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s new Living Story has launched

Wowee, is it ever a massive day in the life of my favourite MMO! If you log in right now, you'll notice three greatly...