early enrollment

Oh, so many trials.

Pathfinder Online adds free trial system in latest ‘early enrollment’ build

The business model of Pathfinder Online's current testing phase is odd, since you have to pay a box price and a subscription fee to...
How could this have failed? Oh, right, in every fashion.

Pathfinder Online details the future of settlements

The War of Towers in Pathfinder Online was always a placeholder mechanic, something to hold players over before the full Settlement system was in...

Pathfinder Online pushes for aggressive recruiting on media sites

What do you do when your in-testing MMO isn't drawing in the crowd that you need it to be? Pathfinder Online thinks that the...
Uh, no.

Pathfinder Online launches head start access on April 1st

Early Enrollment players are now playing Pathfinder Online. Explorer Enrollment players, too. Starting on April 1st, Head Start players from the game's second Kickstarter...
mule punchers

Pathfinder Online shows off group play video

What does it look like when you get a whole lot of players in Pathfinder Online taking on monsters, fighting one another, and milling...

Pathfinder Online adding leadership ranks and vaults with version 6

Next week, Pathfinder Online will continue its alpha rollout with the early enrollment version 6 patch. The team posted a features overview yesterday to...
Well, hope springs eternal.

Pathfinder Online lays out its territory control design roadmap

While Pathfinder Online has been playable for many of its backers for a few months now, it's still only in an early deployment phase....

Player structures are coming to Pathfinder Online

It's hard to think of a sandbox game without the ability to create and dwell in player structures, but until now that feature has...