eric musco
SWTOR will start releasing info on Knights of the Fallen Empire ‘very soon’
Players frustrated with BioWare's relative silence about Star Wars: The Old Republic's rapidly approaching fall expansion will have to wait just a little while...
Hyperspace Beacon: Ten SWTOR sites worth visiting
As regular readers surely know, I really enjoy the Star Wars: The Old Republic community. And I don't mean the community team led by...
BioWare comments on SWTOR’s chair exploit
Did you hear about that temple chair decoration exploit in Star Wars: The Old Republic? In a nutshell, the chair could be purchased for...
SWTOR clarifies Knights of the Fallen Empire’s instant level 60 character
Among the participants in the SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire announcement parade was one fellow bellowing out, "You'll be able to create a...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR Night Life and PvP changes coming soon
Two things are coming up in Star Wars: The Old Republic that I'd like to talk about. First, BioWare is bringing back the Night...
BioWare posts update on SWTOR’s Season 5 win-trading
BioWare community manager Eric Musco posted a brief update on the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums yesterday concerning trolling and win-trading in Season...
SWTOR players harass a BioWare dev and his family
What do you do when MMO devs mess with your favorite class? If you're a handful of Star Wars: The Old Republic players,...
SWTOR’s Rise of the Emperor finale is coming next week
BioWare launched Star Wars: The Old Republic's Rise of the Emperor patch yesterday alongside a brand-new trailer we've included below. The patch drops players on...
Hyperspace Beacon: Five things you should know about Ziost before SWTOR Update 3.2
Shortly after Star Wars: The Old Republic launched, I was a part of a group of players asked which planet they would like to see...
SWTOR livestream introduces new planet, outfit designer
Star Wars: The Old Republic teased at the Community Cantina and in the producer's letter that 3.2 would be one of the biggest patches...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR took its first step into competitive gaming and fell on its face
Just when you think that Star Wars: The Old Republic will change things around and actually do something that will appeal to the Killer-type...
BioWare cancels SWTOR Operation Victory speed runs
Those of you looking forward to that Star Wars: The Old Republic speed-run e-sports thing are out of luck, at least for now. BioWare...