
‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

The Stream Team: Managing SWTOR’s mind-controlled minions in Ziost

While trying to unravel the Emperor's plans in SWTOR last time, Massively OP's MJ rooted out a spy (Larry let him go!). But there is...

Smed adds family inheritance to Hero’s Song’s to-do list

If you missed our live Hero’s Song interview with John Smedley on OPTV, you missed a couple of tantalizing tidbits. One involved family ties...

Tamriel Infinium vs Hyperspace Beacon: Three ways to make lockboxes work better in MMORPGs

Last week, I stirred up a hornet’s nest by bringing up the topic of lockboxes and how I really didn’t mind them in general. Hyperspace...
We listen.

SWTOR is ‘refocusing on group content’

Players will be able to start playing Star Wars: The Old Republic's next expansion starting next month, but players have a fair number of...
It was cute.

Gazillion to sunset Marvel Super Hero Squad Online in January 2017

When I first joined the Massively crew back in 2010, the very first long-form piece I did was on Super Hero Squad Online, a Marvel-themed...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the most welcoming community you’ve experienced?

There's nothing worse for me when I'm playing an MMORPG than to be in a game where the community is either purely toxic or...

LOTRO’s lore dev to talk with the Tolkien Professor

Lord of the Rings Online is nothing if not steeped in a vast body of lore, and the game's main keeper of that knowledge is...

Crush Online doesn’t play to bake bread, it plays to… crush

If you got that title, you're old. Yes, studio GAMESinFLAMES -- we don't make these up, folks -- pushed Crush Online into open beta a...

Cloud Pirates enters closed beta October 18, begins selling founder packs

My.com announced this week that its Allods Online-inspired sky-MOBA Cloud Pirates will enter closed beta next week on October 18th. The company has likewise put...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 86: One Tamriel, two voices, three expansions

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Ultima Online, RIFT, Meridian 59, SWTOR, the EQ franchise, ESO One Tamriel, WoW's subs, and Crowfall's SWG tendencies, with mailbag letters on dealing with character boosts and Guild Wars 2's new cadence.

The Stream Team: Unlocking Marvel Heroes’ Pirate Deadpool team up

One of the last things Massively OP's MJ needs to do to be ready for Marvel Heroes' Cosmic Trial on Storm is to acquire the...

Neverwinter introduces sailing and deep sea fishing for its next update

Neverwinter's "largest zone yet" might also be one of its more unusual areas in terms of navigation and interaction. As the name implies, the...

Lord of the Rings Online goes up to the front door of Mordor and knocks

An event nine years in the making is about to unfold in Lord of the Rings Online: Players will finally cross the border of...

Marvel Heroes: Out with the omega system, in with the infinity system

Gazillion Lead Systems Designer TheArtofRawr is back with another Marvel Heroes design blog this weekend. Previously he's discussed hero powers and item updates, but...

One Shots: Putting the band back together

One of the great things about MMORPGs is that you can live out fantasies that are otherwise unobtainable for you in real life. Financial...

Massively OP’s guide to the best upcoming indie MMORPGs, part three

Over the last couple of weeks, we shared with you part one and part two of our guide to the best upcoming and current indie MMORPGs...
Well, points for effort.

League of Legends gets replay functionality next season

If you don't play League of Legends, the fact that replay functionality is being added to the game probably doesn't mean much to you....
Too hot.

RIFT’s Starfall Prophecy open beta begins October 13; Trion shows off Ashenfell

Update! Trion has just announced that Starfall Prophecy's open beta will begin in just a week on October 13th! Looking for a vacation spot for...

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s ‘Betrayed’ Blur trailer is finally here – all of it

After trickling out a pair of teaser videos over the past week, Star Wars: The Old Republic is finally unveiling its brand-new Blur cinematic...
Wholesome and simple.

Warframe staffer slammed with death threat over recent patch

Earlier in the week, Digital Extremes made several announcements about upcoming Warframe content. One of those announcements included the revelation that The War Within...