hybrid b2p
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns has a full TwitchCon schedule
TwitchCon 2015 is cranking up this Friday and Saturday in San Francisco, and you'd better believe that Guild Wars 2 will be there in...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Understanding Guild Wars 2’s Mordrem Guard
If you pay attention to the images I use throughout my Flameseeker Chronicles articles, you'll notice that one of my favourite characters to include...
Guild Wars 2 teases the Ranger elite specialization
It's not fun to be last. Someone has to be, sure, but if you're a Ranger in Guild Wars 2, not only do you...
The MOP Up: All news must go!
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
One Shots: Welcome to the party, pal!
"You have to love randomly running across a band when you enter a building in Bree," reader Yrys said in conjunction with this picture...
Guild Wars 2 player finds himself trapped in the Super Adventure Box
Players in Guild Wars 2 have been eagerly awaiting the return of the Super Adventure Box content more or less since the moment it...
Guild Wars 2’s Scrapper turns the Engineer into a tank
Guild Wars 2's Engineer has long been the master of long-ranged attacks, using rifles, turrets, grenades, pistols, and other gadgets to bring the pain...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 30: Slumbering MMOs
Justin and Bree discuss WildStar, SWTOR, UO, ArcheAge, Asheron's Call, Otherland, Elite, GW2, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on early access MMOs.
Guild Wars 2 teases another elite spec
ArenaNet teased what appears to be another Guild Wars 2 elite spec via the game's Facebook page this afternoon. Oh, and this is probably...
Guild Wars 2 will end Mordrem invasion today with no further adjustments
As we reported last week, Guild Wars 2's Mordrem invasion had a rough go of it as players experienced bugs and other issues with...
MMO Mechanics: Economic stagnation in MMO economies
MMO economies are notoriously hard to balance, so most MMO players have seen the effects of stagnation and hyperinflation in an MMO economy for...
Guild Wars 2 Mordrem event stumbles
A brief Guild Wars 2 pre-expansion event featuring new baddies Mordrem has stumbled right out of the gate. Players have reported numerous bugs, problems...
Massively Overthinking: NCsoft’s western autumn
This week's Massively Overthinking is brought to you by a guildie of mine named Onyx, who donated to our Kickstarter campaign in this tier...
Guild Wars 2 shows off the Mordrem Guard
The Sylvari of Guild Wars 2 were created by the elder dragon Mordremoth to serve him. That was a foreshadowed but still unpleasant development...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 raiding factsheet
If you're anything like me, you'll have been bursting at the seams to find out what shape the promised "challenging group content" will take...
Global Chat: Money prison
What kind of prison charges you money to stay there? An MMO prison, obviously!
The Ancient Gaming Noob has a few insightful words to say...
Check out these top 10 newbie tips for Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 is seeing a surge of player interest these days with the dual-punch of the core game's F2P move and the expansion release...
Here are the winners of Guild Wars 2’s emblem contest
Remember Guild Wars 2's guild emblem contest? Well, it's over! And ArenaNet has chosen five winners from more than 500 entries, after a judging...
Guild Wars 2 overhauls WvW guild objective system
Guilds will have a lot more to do in world vs. world encounters when Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns launches next month. ArenaNet...
Guild Wars 2 unleashes fresh Mordrem event next week and blogs about raids
ArenaNet just confirmed the rumors it sparked about a Mordrem event coming to Guild Wars 2:
From 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on September 10 through...