level cap


The Daily Grind: How long should it take to catch up with the current content in an MMO?

There is no way that you can reach the level of resources held by someone who has been playing an MMORPG for two years...

Phantasy Star Online 2’s latest update adds more story and raises the level cap as SEGA America begins layoffs

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis players are in for a treat today, and they deserve it after waiting through a nine-hour maintenance with...
Earrings go here.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG have you played the longest without reaching the level cap?

For someone who spent a whole lot of time playing Final Fantasy XI back in the day, I sure as heck didn't reach the...
Every so often.

The Daily Grind: What’s the fastest way to get you to bounce off an MMO’s endgame?

World of Warcraft is already struggling to hold my attention at the level cap. It's not the repetition that gets to me, it's the...

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs where you’ve never hit the level cap?

In this day and age when MMO developers all but get out of the car and push you to the level cap whether you...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs make the level cap feel most satisfying?

I'm honestly of two minds when it comes to reaching the level cap in Guild Wars 2. On the one hand, it's the place where...
Can we back this story up, like, a million steps?

Flyff brings around the second part of the Turning Point update

The new Turning Point part 2 update for Flyff brings to mind several questions. For example, is this a subsequent turning point after a...

Stash increases its level cap and posts its development roadmap

Turn-based MMO Stash, which officially launched back in early January, continues to grow into its big boy britches. On February 20th, the game rolled...

Wizard101 sends players to adventure at the heart of the Spiral with part one of Empyrea

At the center of the Spiral in Wizard101 sits Empyrea, which was made to keep the Chaos Heart safe. It accomplishes that goal by,...
Oh, who's a cutie.

Revelation Online adds in a new level cap and new bosses in the Uprising update

It's time to get better than you ever thought possible in the latest Revelation Online patch. Heck, better than it was possible to get,...
If you doubted this before, well, don't.

The Daily Grind: Should expansions change the core of an MMO?

Those of us playing Final Fantasy XIV have had about two months with Stormblood now, which has prompted one complaint to come out as...
Local Panda Recalls When She Was Special.

WoW Factor: The state of professions in Legion

The state of World of Warcraft's professions in Legion is a weird one because it's obvious how much work has gone into crafting for...
Get ready, 'cause here I come.

TERA previews its upcoming 30-person raid, Harrowhold

The next TERA update is going for big numbers with the introduction of the Harrowhold raid, bringing 30 players into the fold to take...
Always with Draenei.

What to do in World of Warcraft when you’re level 110

Let's start with something simple and straightforward: When you hit level 110 in World of Warcraft: Legion, you aren't done. At all. Even if...
Well-told, but not well-planned.

The Daily Grind: Do you have to reach the top of an MMO to really understand the game?

We all play MMOs in different ways, and I personally tend to play to reach the top. It's no shock if I tell you...

World of Warcraft shows off the World Quest system

When you reach level 110 in World of Warcraft: Legion, you've got a new sort of content awaiting you. They're not daily quests or...
After the end of Spirited Away, No-Face was forced to do horrible things to survive until his next starring role.

Asta officially launches with its first major expansion

It is just a little bit odd that Asta: The War of Tears and Winds is launching when its first expansion drops. Those two...
You like? You buy it!

Defiance now has a game-wide auction house

Don't you hate when a new gun drops in Defiance and you don't need it? If the developers would implement a gun that shot...
Everything old is new again.

Final Fantasy XI patches in job mastery battlefields for May

Do you think you're one of the best in your chosen job in Final Fantasy XI? Have you unlocked all of your job point...

The Daily Grind: Are you ever sad when you levelcap in an MMORPG?

I recently levelcapped another character in Guild Wars 2, my Asura Guardian, and yet as soon as she dinged, some of the spark of...