Official Site: Lineage II
Studio: NCsoft
Launch Date: April 27, 2004 (US)
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
See Also: Lineage, Lineage Eternal
lineage ii
Lineage II’s latest event asks players to buy digital cookies and trade them for lockboxes
Have you ever taken part in a bake sale in an MMORPG? You're apparently invited to one in Lineage II during its Ranking Festival...
Lineage II Aden kicks off a Baium’s Raid event that promises shiny loot and buffs
Video games have taught me that when an ominous-looking mystical tower that's nearly shattering to pieces from some malefic power appears, it probably needs...
Lineage II Aden asks you to defeat Nurka with its newest update
It's time to defeat Nurka! "Who's Nurka?" you ask. The guy we're going to defeat, duh. We just covered that, keep up. Look, if...
Lineage II Aden introduces Giran Seals and special crafting features tomorrow
Lineage II Aden - aka the version of the MMOARPG that has streamlined leveling and specific features and classes, just to help keep all...
Lineage II is turning 18 years old this week with events in L2, Aden, and Classic
Lineage II is old enough to vote, folks, and if that doesn't make you feel old, I dunno what will. To celebrate the occasion,...
Daybreak’s EG7 intends to sell Innova subsidiary and relocate Toadman Interactive studio in a pull-out from Russia
Enad Global 7, the Swedish company that readers will recall bought up all of Daybreak Games in 2020, is apparently looking to cut ties...
Lineage II: Aden boasts the Garden of Genesis in today’s update
At long last, players in the casual-friendly version of Lineage II: Aden can argue about whether the newest zone in the game is better with...
Lineage II: Aden adds in the Vanguard class and new areas to fight through
For far too long you have had to suffer the problem in Lineage II: Aden wherein your van down by the river which you live...
March 9 brings Vanguard class to Lineage Aden, improved hunting zones to Lineage II, victory system to Lineage Classic
The running joke is that there are too many versions of Lineage to keep track of, and that perception is certainly not made any...
NCsoft Q4 2021: Guild Wars 2 did great, but Lineage W drove revenues
If you wondered why NCsoft would drop a bunch of teasers for its pipeline and NFT babble yesterday, it's largely because it was also...
The MOP Up: Fiesta Online adds new servers
Anime MMO Fiesta Online's heart grew two sizes bigger this past week thanks to the addition of a pair of servers -- one for...
The MOP Up: Trove’s polished paragon paradise
Trove is making sure that its players have plenty to do this season thanks to a Polished Paragon system. This patch came out on...
NCsoft’s cross-platform mobile and PC MMO Lineage2M is live in the west today
How many Lineages is too many Lineages? Some day we'll probably find out, but it is not this day. This day, NCsoft has launched...
Lineage 2M is launching on December 2 in North America and Europe
Those of you who were lamenting that there might be some small portion of your gaming day spent not playing some version of Lineage II will...
Lineage 2M kicks off its beta worldwide through November 7
Wait, didn't we already have this? Isn't there already a version of Lineage II playable on mobile devices? I can't keep up with this...
NCsoft and World Makers talk up various Halloween events for Aion, Lineage II, and Deceit
NCSoft and World Makers would like to invite players into the Halloween haunts that are spooking about several of their games. If you're among...
Lineage II shares patch notes for Battle Chronicle update and new events for Aden and Classic
As we've noted many times before, there are a whole lot of different versions of Lineage II out there, and this news story is...
Lineage II is adding a new talisman, new zones, and the Sigel Death Knight class October 20
On Wednesday, October 20th, players of human male characters in Lineage II are going to have a spooky new class to play. It's presumed...
NCsoft is finally launching Lineage2M in the west this winter
Lineage2M is finally launching on our shores, and we don't even have long to wait: NCsoft announced this morning that it will launch the...
Lineage II Aden adds castle sieges with its latest update
Castles! Everyone likes castles when they own the castles in question, and if not then everyone hates castles and wants to be in charge...