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Massively OP Podcast Episode 193: EVE Vegas special

Justin and Brendan recap EVE Vegas, with expert news on EVE Online's upcoming content, EVE Echoes, and Project Nova. (Special edition episode.)

An EVE Online player used his Homeland Security contacts to save EVE Vegas 2018

In what sounds like the plot of a movie, this weekend's EVE Vegas 2018 event in Las Vegas almost fell apart at the last...

EVE Vegas 2018: Project Nova pre-alpha is playable with alpha signups open now

Two years ago at EVE Fanfest 2016, CCP Games showed off a demo of a new first-person shooter codenamed Project Nova that rose from...

EVE Vegas 2018: EVE Online is finally getting a fair wardec system

In my latest EVE Evolved column, I looked into the unfair nature of highsec war declaration in EVE Online. This feature bypasses police protections...
Dark down.

EVE Vegas 2018 is this weekend: Here’s what to expect from the show

It's that time of year again when internet spaceship nerds descend on Las Vegas to get incredibly drunk find out what the future holds...

CCP Games offers DUST 514 veteran reward accounts in upcoming Project Nova

Those of you who have been following the highs and lows of EVE Online developer CCP Games over the years will remember the story...

EVE Evolved: What could the sale of CCP Games mean for EVE Online?

Just a few days ago, we awoke to news so unexpected that it made me check I hadn't time-traveled to April 1st: EVE Online...

Perfect Ten: Anticipated MMOs I want to know a lot more about

One of the most exciting parts of covering the news here at Massively OP is that we challenge ourselves to stay on top of...

CCP has obliquely confirmed it’s working on a brand-new ‘action MMO’

Remember back in December, when the gaming world noticed that CCP's hiring page sought a lead designer to run "a new and highly ambitious...

EVE Fanfest 2018: EVE Online FPS Project Nova is coming ‘in months, not years’

When CCP Games first made the leap into the first person shooter market with DUST 514, things didn't exactly go to plan. The game...

EVE Evolved: Get ready for EVE Fanfest 2018!

There's just a week and a half to go before EVE Fanfest 2018, the biggest event in the EVE Online social calendar. The event kicks...

Sumo Digital picks up CCP’s ejected EVE Valkyrie studio

Good news for anybody out there worried about the future of EVE Valkyrie: CCP's Newcastle studio, the one that runs Valkyrie, has been acquired...

CCP is working on ‘a new and highly ambitious MMORPG’

Even with massive downsizing and the end of its virtual reality ambitions, CCP hasn't quite thrown in the towel just yet. One of our tipsters...

EVE Evolved: 2017 EVE Online year in review

We've reached the end of another year, and it's certainly been a busy one for EVE Online. This year saw heavy gameplay iteration, with...

EVE Evolved: What to expect from EVE Vegas 2017

CCP Games' annual EVE Vegas event kicks off in less than a week on October 6th, and once again MassivelyOP will be on the...

EVE Evolved: Video highlights from EVE Fanfest 2017

For a few days each year, hundreds of EVE Online players from across the world flock to a frozen volcanic rock at the top of the world for...

EVE Fanfest 2017: DUST 514 successor Project Nova is still in development

Developer CCP Games made its first foray into the console FPS market back in 2013 with the incredibly ambitious DUST 514, and things didn't exactly go...

EVE Evolved: 2016 EVE Online year in review

It's been another busy year for sci-fi MMO EVE Online, and an absolute roller coaster ride for both players and developer CCP Games. On the...

DUST 514 sunsets today

Back in February, CCP announced that it was sunsetting console shooter DUST 514 on May 30th -- and now that day has arrived. Players are...

EVE Fanfest 2016: Project Nova rises from DUST 514’s ashes

On May 14th 2013, CCP Games optimistically launched its first attempt to penetrate the console & shooter markets with DUST 514. The game had...