
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

EVE Fanfest kicks off next week

CCP couldn't have timed it better if it had tried: This year's EVE Fanfest will kick off in Reykjavik, Iceland, next weekend, smack in...

Working As Intended: Busting up the MMORPG nostalgia party

Last week, a clever Massively OP commenter, SC_Deadline, neatly summed up the ongoing Nostalrius emulator shutdown as Blizzard "bust up someone's nostalgia party," which...

Blizzard to WoW testers: Class orders will not be like garrison missions

If you've paid any attention to World of Warcraft during its present expansion cycle, you are probably aware that Garrisons have not exactly been...

WildStar crosses factional barriers, mulls new class/race combos

What's brewing in WildStar's labs these days? Only a whole vat of changes, that's what. As a result of Carbine's first DevConnect forum survey, the...
Come and get your PLEX.

EVE Online plans to add dailies with skill point rewards

Of all the ways to encourage players to engage with an MMO, two of the most controversial are daily quests and login rewards. Used in everything from World of Warcraft...

Final Fantasy XIV producer letter pokes and prods at Patch 3.3 and 3.4 features

Stop the presses, go home from school early, and call off from work -- the latest Final Fantasy XIV producer letter is here. As...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 60: Nostalrius down

Justin and Bree discuss Nostalrius, TERA, Black Desert, SWTOR, DDO, Guild Wars 2, and WoW, with mailbag questions on Kickstarters and Tabula Rasa.

CCP’s 2015 finances included year-over-year revenue decline for EVE Online

Hat tip to marketsforISK blogger croda for digging into CCP's 2015 financials, which were released to the public at the end of March. The good news is...
Where you at?

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s missing Midgardsormr

What is Midgardsormr doing? The lord of the wyrms played a major role in the end of the 2.x story series in Final Fantasy XIV,...

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about being ‘run’ through MMORPG content?

The news that Guild Wars 2 is nerfing player-led "runs" through Super Adventure Box made me sit back and ponder the whole concept. Power-leveling lowbies...

The MOP Up: Demons invade Skyforge (April 10, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Farming at dawn

You people and your Black Desert fetish! Yes, the game is drop-dead gorgeous. Yes, it's the new hotness. Yes, you like sending in screenshots...

Jukebox Heroes: Six MMO tunes for a starry night

I am in love with the night. No, I'm not an emo vampire or Batman (although...); I've just always appreciated the quiet and peacefulness...
See, that's the joke of the name.

The Game Archaeologist: Guild Wars Utopia

Aztecs. Chronomancers. Mounts. Halberds. Golems. Dual wielding. These are all but a hint of what a fourth Guild Wars campaign could have been, a campaign...

Leaderboard: Did you sub to EVE Online for World War Bee?

MOP's Brendan's terrific ongoing coverage of World War Bee -- the great war that wages on inside perennially combative MMORPG sandbox EVE Online --...

Camelot Unchained makes ‘slow and steady progress’ toward beta

The pieces are falling into place for Camelot Unchained's first beta, although it's not quite here yet. Mark Jacobs jumped onto the stage on...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG expansion you’ve experienced?

Very few things get me as excited as the announcement of a new expansion for a favorite MMO. Expansions are thrilling events, stirring up...

ARK’s modding contest offers you the moon

Back in January, Studio Wildcard announced a modding contest for ARK: Survival Evolved. Those mods have now been submitted, and it's the community's turn...

Ultima Online rejects F2P rumors, says Steam launch has been held up by EA

If you were waiting to try Ultima Online when it launches on Steam as devs have been promising for over a year now since...
I don't miss the days without blood elves, not at all.

WoW Factor: Nostalrius, copyright, and player demand

If you haven't been following the latest Legion testing - which, at the end of the day, is just a series of iterative updates...