tales of yore

I'm fine. We're fine. This is fine. Everything's fine like wine.

Betawatch: Ashes of Creation aims to delist its pre-order packs

The sheer mention that Ashes of Creation is going to stop selling pre-orders in some fashion is kind of astonishing. Like, that's kind of...

The Stream Team: Looking in at the launch version of Tales of Yore

It's time once again for MOP's Chris to take a look at Tales of Yore! You might recall that he's visited this cubic sprite-styled...

Pixelart MMO Tales of Yore officially launches out of early access

It's been months since we last peeked in on Tales of Yore, the goofy but detailed retro 2-D MMO from indie studio Coke and...

Old school pixel art MMORPG Tales of Yore adds more cosmetics, treasure maps, and procedural missions

Last month we cast a spotlight on Tales of Yore, a 2-D pixel art sandbox MMORPG that promised a "lightweight" but rich world full...

The Stream Team: Going on a tiny pixelated adventure in Tales of Yore

MOP's Chris has something of a love affair with pint-sized pixel MMORPG gaming, so when he first caught wind of the new game Tales...

Tales of Yore is a ‘lightweight’ retro-style MMORPG ‘full of terrible RPG tropes, cliches, and dad jokes’

When an MMORPG describes itself as "lightweight," there are a few assumptions one can leap to. Personally, I'm taking that description to mean a...