
Massively Overthinking: Solving the MMORPG grouping problem

Massively OP Patron Roger has another great question for the crew this week. "I have the hardest time pushing myself to join a group, but...

ARK: Survival Evolved celebrates a year of early access

Bring out your party hats and kazoos because ARK: Survival Evolved is celebrating its first birthday as an early access title this week with...

Crowfall explores the joys of server latency and ability use

Does half a second sound like a long time to you? Of course it doesn't. A second doesn't sound like a long time to...

Perfect Ten: How to enjoy the alt lifestyle in MMORPGs

Not everyone is into creating alternate characters -- alts -- in MMORPGs. This is understandable: Some people don't have time to play more than...

You can now adopt a cybernetic companion in Skyforge

Everyone needs a floating robotic companion in their lives, yes? Skyforge thinks so, at least, which is why it's giving all players the opportunity...

Hyperspace Beacon: Going to war with SWTOR’s new Mandalore

Do I have to turn in my Star Wars fanboy card if I admit that I don’t like Mandalorians? It's not that I think...
Still at a zero for sold ships that aren't actually usable, though.

Elite: Dangerous identifies issues with AI superweapons in the game

The most recent Elite: Dangerous patch had some issues, starting with the fact that AI ships were rocking impossibly powerful weapons that would destroy...

Blade & Soul’s Vengeance Breaks update has arrived

The main story of Blade & Soul starts off with a very clear tale of revenge. Some lady shows up, wrecks your stuff, and...

Neverwinter announces summer PS4 launch and Storm King’s Thunder expansion

D&D-flavored MMO Neverwinter has posted two huge announcements this week: First, the PC-and-Xbone MMORPG is bound for the PlayStation 4 this summer. "We are also...
Asura are not cute. Why have we agreed to pretend they are?

Guild Wars 2 asks players to vote on lore

ArenaNet has a fun new diversion for the Guild Wars 2 playerbase: You get to determine the lore name of the band living story heroes...

How Elite Dangerous’ Engineers update triggered a player massacre

Stick around in an MMO long enough, and sooner or later you'll bear witness to that one patch or expansion that triggers a digital trainwreck. Perhaps...

Black Desert’s karma patch has enraged the PvP community

Black Desert has a small patch out today, bringing to an end Mother's Day events and extending both the Rum and Black Stone events....
She's a knockout.

Blizzard pushes Overwatch’s redesigned competitive mode to June

Update: Blizzard has corrected its tweets; the patch is June, not July. A series of tweets from Blizzard just before the holiday weekend have confirmed...
Boys and girls in cars, dogs and cats on lawns - from up here I can see them all.

Valiance Online preps for alpha patch, Steam move

Valiance Online is packing up and prepping for a move... to Steam. The City of Heroes-inspired indie superhero MMORPG was Greenlit on the platform back...

MapleStory introduces the telekenetic Kinesis

MapleStory is not an MMO that is lacking for classes, boasting over 30 so far in its roster. In the off chance that you've...

Grand Theft Auto Online gives players a promotion in next week’s update

Owning and running a (crooked) corporation must be a fairly compelling experience, since Grand Theft Auto Online is adding yet more content for its...

Shroud of the Avatar creates a network of player helpers

Last week, Shroud of the Avatar rolled out Release 30 for the game's community, which means that this MMO is now within striking distance...

Preview: A look inside of ArcheAge’s Ascension launching today

Change is inevitable. And while it can be unnerving, it can also be very beneficial. ArcheAge's fans will see their share of changes today...
What's it worth to you.

Skyforge producer’s letter shines a light on communication

Sometimes, it's really hard to know if the developers are listening to the players. Sure, you can tell players that the development team is...
Perhaps the bank should be re-evaluated.

Launch impressions: Overwatch is good, but it’s only half a game

The thing that bugs me about Overwatch is that it feels like half of a game. Unfortunately, it's also the less interesting half, the...