
Dogma: Eternal Night brings MMO vampires to Kickstarter

Do you need a game that's so dark that if it were any darker it'd be a pure black rectangle on your monitor? Are...

Marvel Heroes releases Blade, teases Danger Room in time for Halloween

Marvel Heroes' 52nd character launches today. The stylish quasi-vampire Blade joins the roster just in time for Halloween along with new costumes for Blade and Wolverine...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World’s Halloween event haunts our dreams

It's finally here! This is truly the holiday I wait for all year, and The Secret World has the MMO event I anticipate all...

CCP has sold White Wolf and World of Darkness to Paradox

CCP Games has apparently sold White Wolf and all of its properties -- including World of Darkness and Vampire: The Masquerade -- to Paradox,...

Hyperspace Beacon: Spoiler-filled impressions of SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire

By now, everyone who was in early access for Knights of the Fallen Empire has played through the story at least once. If not,...

Blade daywalks into Marvel Heroes this month

Blade is Marvel Heroes' 52nd playable character.  He's not quite in the game, yet, though, so put away your sharp stakes and fake vampire teeth....

MMO Mechanics: Three ways non-MMO IPs could create great mechanics

I really enjoy being a guest on Larry Everett's video series Massively Opinionated, a series in which MMO enthusiasts answer some tough questions and...

Tamriel Infinium: Six great things to do in Elder Scrolls Online that aren’t endgame

Two weeks ago, ZeniMax launched the Imperial City DLC for Elder Scrolls Online, and yet I have little desire to check the new content...

Project Dogmat aims to fill the World of Darkness void

Are you afraid? You should be, according to the website for Project Dogmat, which bills itself as a roleplay-friendly MMORPG with a "modern gothic...

Project Gorgon wraps up Kickstarter campaign with over $74K

It asked players for $20,000 to add better art and additional features, but what Project Gorgon ended up with was an impressive $74,781. The indie...

Allods Online update has werewolves and vampires living together, mass hysteria

Have the itch to get out and explore some unclaimed territory? Allods Online players will get to do just that with the advent of...

EVE Evolved: CCP can’t just focus on EVE Online any more

The recent announcement of arcade shooter EVE: Gunjack for the Samsung Gear VR has prompted some pretty interesting negative responses from gamers this week. There's...

The Stream Team: Cavorting through The Secret World’s The Cost of Magic mission

You asked for it, and now you're going to get it: MassivelyOP's MJ is tackling The Cost of Magic sabotage mission in The Secret...

RuneFest tickets now on sale for real money or in-game bonds

RuneScape's annual convention, RuneFest, is coming this fall to London. And while October 3rd is a ways away, you can purchase a ticket to...

One Shots: Bagpipes in the woods

I can't say that I'm the biggest fan of bagpipe music, although I do harbor a certain fascination for any musical instrument that looks...

DarkEden 2 returns to the vampire war

While you may not have heard of DarkEden, it's actually one of the older continuously running graphical MMORPGs on the market, having started back...
Can't imagine why.

CCP financials for 2014 continue their downward slide

It's become a cottage industry for EVE Online fans to try to figure out whether CCP Games is doing well or not. Gone are the days...
Which one of you is the Juno Reactor and which one is the Don Davis?

Massively Overthinking: When IPs are wasted on mediocre MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter donor Aldranis, whose query neatly dovetails with the IP-related question we answered on the...
oh dear

Forsaken World Mobile will include five classes

When it launches, Forsaken World Mobile will come out of the gate strong with five classes from which to choose. According to the list...