Massively Overpowered
creating MMO Journalism
- 420 members
- 541 posts
- $974.9/month
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Early Access
/ monthEarly access: The good kind of early access! All of our Patrons will have early access to recordings of the Massively OP podcast and the Massively Opinionated vidcast (usually the day before, as soon as we can get them online!).
/ monthJoin
Limited (16 of 30 remaining)
Twitterpated: We'll give you (and a link to your blog/guild/etc.) a shout-out over our social media channels once during the following month (not really intended for studios/games). You'll also get everything at the $1 and $5 level.
/ monthJoin
Limited (16 of 20 remaining)
Provocateur: Supply a controversial question to be debated in a Massively Opinionated, Massively Overthinking, Daily Grind, Leaderboard, or podcast segment during the following month. Yeah, make those guys fight! You'll also get everything at the $1 and $5 level.
Stream a little stream
/ monthJoin
Limited (1 of 4 remaining)
Stream a little stream: The first four readers to claim this reward every month will be selecting one MMO or MMO-ish game apiece for MJ to stream during the following month, as long as the game is something she owns, is willing to buy, or can play for free. You'll also get everything at the $1 and $5 level.
What are YOU playing?
/ monthWhat are YOU playing? Join the staff for WRUP every Saturday in the following month. You'll be answering the weekly WRUP right alongside the writers in the post itself (as long as you make the deadline!)! You'll also get everything at the $1 and $5 level.
Overthinking it
/ monthJoin
Limited (4 of 5 remaining)
Overthinking it: The first five readers to claim this reward every month will be joining the staff for Massively Overthinking every Thursday in the following month. You'll be answering the weekly question right alongside the writers (as long as you make the deadline)! (The Patron badge is included with this tier.)
Sponsor a 'cast
/ monthJoin
Limited (6 of 6 remaining)
Sponsor a 'cast: We'll run one brief (1-3 sentence) ad/spiel about your project or group ahead of one of our podcasts or vidcasts during the following month (we pick which one). Advertisements are OK on this one! (The Patron badge is included with this tier.)
Changing the subject
/ monthJoin
Limited (4 of 4 remaining)
Changing the subject: You pick a topic for one of the Massively OP writers to tackle in a long-form format of his or her choosing in a post to run the following month. (The Gold Patron badge is included with this tier.)
Podded without clone
/ monthJoin
Limited (1 of 1 remaining)
Podded without clone: The first reader to claim this reward every month will be joining the Massively OP podcast crew for ONE podcast during the following month. We're looking for a guest who has plenty of practice at public speaking and charisma as well as a good sense of humor and broad MMORPG knowledge. You'll need to own a quality microphone, of course! (The Gold Patron badge is included with this tier.)
Objectively opinionated
/ monthJoin
Limited (2 of 2 remaining)
Objectively opinionated: The first two readers to claim this reward every month will be welcomed to submit an opinion piece to run in a guest edition of our opinion column the following month. Normal editorial standards apply; no advertorials. We reserve the right to refuse articles on ethical grounds or conflicts of interest. (The Gold Patron badge is included with this tier.)
Entertainer Mo
/ monthJoin
Limited (1 of 1 remaining)
Entertainer Mo: You'll help Larry design an NPC for a future Sword & Bored comic strip -- based on your character if you like! (The Gold Patron badge is included with this tier.)
Gild the guild
/ monthJoin
Limited (5 of 5 remaining)
Gild the guild: Advertise your guild, team, mod, or player gathering with a small, tasteful banner in a designated sidebar space for the entirety of the following month. (No games, no cheats, keep it clean, etc.) (The Gold Patron badge is included with this tier.)
Take your character to work day
/ monthJoin
Limited (2 of 2 remaining)
Take your character to work day: The first two readers to claim this reward every month will join the Massively OP team's Slack channel for an inside look into our process and daily shenanigans for ONE day during the following month. (The Elite Patron badge is included with this tier.)
Recent posts by Massively Overpowered
Public (388)
Free members (1)
Early Access (148)
Twitterpated (3)
Provocateur (3)
Stream a little stream (3)
What are YOU playing? (3)
Overthinking it (3)
Sponsor a 'cast (3)
Changing the subject (3)
Podded without clone (3)
Objectively opinionated (3)
Entertainer Mo (3)
Gild the guild (3)
Take your character to work day (3)
Massively Overpowered
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