cma 2023 warhammer
Choose My Adventure: What Warhammer Return of Reckoning taught me about my competitive nature
I used to believe that I wasn't a very competitive person. Sure, I could consider myself stubborn and driven to excel, and I most...
Choose My Adventure: Frustrations mount in Warhammer Return of Reckoning
Memory is a funny ol' thing. It can straight-up lie to you and convince you of something that probably wasn't even there. Or it...
Choose My Adventure: PvP and RvR bring reward and rage in Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning
It was pretty darn clear what you folks wanted me to experience next in the Return of Reckoning rogue server for Warhammer Online, and...
Choose My Adventure: A Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning reunion with a dash of WAAAGH
It's criminal that there aren't as many Warhammer games that use the Orks. They're my favorite group in the game purely because they just...