embers adrift
Embers Adrift adds a new auction house alongside balance and UI changes
You may be disappointed to learn that the new auction house added to Embers Adrift does not allow players to stand by the board...
Embers Adrift’s latest patch offers a crafting revamp and new chat macros
Are you playing Embers Adrift to craft equipment and then chew on said equipment? Well, the bad news is that the crafting overhaul in...
MMO Hype Train: Pantheon Rise of the Fallen was not ready for early access
It's absolutely surreal to see that, despite the odds against it, Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen actually released -- albeit in early access --...
Embers Adrift closed out 2024 with a quality-of-life patch and two new raid bosses
With full free-to-play -- including subscriber perks -- continuing in Embers Adrift as the studio gets a handle on its payment processing, the throwback...
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best community as of 2024?
This is one of my favorite Daily Grinds of the end-of-the-year season - wanna know why? It's because I get to compliment MMORPG gamers!...
Casually Classic: WoW Classic’s unusual gift of time
When starting a column, I've found it's always best to kick off with gripping subject matter, so let's talk about scheduling!
Earlier this year, I...
Embers Adrift continues its ‘light’ series of updates with another fixer-upper patch
If you were hoping for some major drops to come out of Embers Adrift in the next month or so, Stormhaven Studios is making...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 492: Grouping is the new soloing
Justin and Bree discuss Path of Exile 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Albion Online, Elite Dangerous, New World, and Embers Adrift, with adventures in World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2, plus a mailbag discussion on MMO dungeon pacing.
Embers Adrift’s devs discuss the Digital River payment fiasco and temporary F2P shift
Earlier this week we had the unfortunate duty to report a serious legal and financial crisis for Embers Adrift developer Stormhaven Studios: The company...
Embers Adrift says Digital River has been stiffing it since June, so it’s going temp F2P and heading to Steam
Embers Adrift has some good news bad news - good news for players, but bad news for the studio, which is apparently being screwed...
Embers Adrift’s latest update revamps Redshore and character creation
Can you believe that October will mark two years since Embers Adrift first launched? It's hard to believe, but it's true, and there will...
Embers Adrift counts off two years of updates ahead of its second anniversary
Embers Adrift is about to celebrate two years of operation, and while there are likely going to be in-game celebrations or other events to...
Perfect Ten: Underrated MMOs that deserve a second look in 2024
We've all been there at one time or another. We've been playing the same-old favorite MMO for a long time and then suddenly feel...
Embers Adrift introduces set bonuses for gear and applies a boatload of fixes
Wearing a matching outfit can feel good, but in MMORPGs that usually means collecting a gear set to earn latent bonuses for doing so....
PSA: Embers Adrift’s sale price will remain in effect ‘for the foreseeable future’
With the July and August summer celebration events now in the rearview mirror, one would assume that the $20 sale price to buy the...
Embers Adrift lays out the rest of its summer celebration schedule
The second and final part of Embers Adrift's summer celebration is underway, and Stormhaven Studios welcomed players and newcomers alike to participate in the...
Embers Adrift promises a ‘crazy’ weekend of in-game events starting August 16
The second weekend event for Embers Adrift is reminding players of the event's date, just in case anyone missed its first such event. Players...
Embers Adrift adds new chat features and introduces new ‘tree imposter’ technology
Before you ask, no, Embers Adrift is not making trees that spring up and attack you or entering into a collab with a certain...
Embers Adrift goes on sale with its weekend Summer Celebration and free trial
Embers Adrift hopes that you are warming up to this hardcore PvE MMO because its first-ever Summer Celebration is in full swing for this...
Here’s what you can do in Embers Adrift’s free trial events this weekend
A couple of weeks ago, Embers Adrift announced plans to host summertime events in the MMORPG during July and August; it didn't provide many...