issue 10
The Stream Team: Breaking into a Secret World safehouse
So close, and yet so far! Part of The Secret World's Issue #10 remains unfinished for Massively OP's MJ; after completing the clubhouse, she...
The Stream Team: Clubbing Tokyo-style in The Secret World
It's crunch time! The Secret World's Issue #11: Reaping the Whirlwind is launching next week, and MassivelyOP's MJ still hasn't found the White Rabbit! That...
The Stream Team: Tackling The Secret World’s Issue #10
MassivelyOP's MJ was torn between starting over to highlight the new player experience or continuing the story with Issue #10. Ultimately the story won...
The Stream Team: Tag-teaming The Secret World’s Tokyo story missions
With The Secret World's Issue #11 release creeping ever closer, MassivelyOP's MJ has to finish up the story missions from Issues #9 and #10...