
The Daily Grind: What’s the oldest MMO meme you remember?

If you were around in the early days of online gaming, you surely remember how terrible the memes were. I mean, I put on...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best night experience?

One of the things that sets MMOs apart in my book is whether they have a diurnal cycle - and more importantly, whether that...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs are low-key pay-to-win but somehow avoid criticism?

A thread on the MMORPG subreddit caught my eye a few weeks ago as the post author suggested that Albion Online was not only...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about floating combat text in MMOs?

When Trove launched its Rising Tide update back in June, Gamigo's PR included a ton of screenshots, including several of a character with massive...

The Daily Grind: What’s the oldest game still sitting on your Steam wishlist?

Earlier this summer, I realized it's possible to sort your Steam wishlist by date added, and oh, the shame. I apparently had kept a...

The Daily Grind: What conventional MMO wisdom provokes a contrary response in you?

Back in May, I did a smol piece on Echoes of Elysium that talked about the game's philosophy: "No more punching trees and building...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs are best at letting you bring the player, not the class?

It was MOP's Eliot who put the ol' canard about bringing the player not the class in my head again recently, thanks to his...

The Daily Grind: If you could banish one piece of gear from MMOs, what would it be?

When MMOs were new, the iconic chainmail bikini was a whole damn thing. It was the big joke in the games industry, the idea...

The Daily Grind: What non-MMO has art you wish you could steal for an MMO?

A while back, MOP's Chris shared an ancient version of the ol' Clickhole "heartbreaking" meme. It doesn't seem to actually be from Clickhole, but...

The Daily Grind: Are you reluctant to start new MMORPGs?

When I sat down a few weeks ago to play Tarisland - whenever I sit down to play any new MMORPG, really - I...

The Daily Grind: How many players constitute a proper MMORPG raid?

Back when Amazon first announced its New World Aeternum rebranding, I noticed an interesting comment about the planned raid. Longtime reader Squid opined that...
Have you heard?!

The Daily Grind: Would you rather have disposable minions or true pets with an MMO pet class?

A few weeks back, MOP's Chris and I were talking about Path of Exile 2's forthcoming Witch character and griping about the way a...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is worth playing because of its lore?

A few weeks ago in a Massively Overthinking, Tyler landed one hell of a double-dunk on SWTOR and EVE Online almost in passing, suggesting...
Great job

The Daily Grind: How much of your MMO time is spent on ‘chores’?

A few months ago, I read a thread on Reddit about chores in MMORPGs, and I remember nodding vigorously because I use the word...

The Daily Grind: What should MMO subscriptions actually pay for?

When I first started playing MMORPGs, I didn't know what an expansion was because no MMORPG had ever had one. I paid my subscription...

The Daily Grind: What are the MMO hills you’re willing to die on, metaphorically?

MOP reader IronSalamander inspired today's Daily Grind with his comment on game preservation, which he declared a hill he'd be willing to die on. "All...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO saw its hype die shockingly quickly?

We get some weird PR in our inbox, but the other day a grown-ass man being paid four times what I make woke up...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a plan for what happens to your MMO accounts when you die?

Ars Technica penned a piece a few weeks back about the legal quagmire awaiting people who hope to legally pass their Steam accounts on...

The Daily Grind: Are MMOs suffering from the ‘tyranny of IP’?

Back in May, a Sony Pictures executive did a one hell of an interview on Deadline that, among other things, complained about the "tyranny...

The Daily Grind: What do you expect out of MMORPG roadmaps?

So as we wait for New World's promised Q&A for PC players today following the botched Aeternum reveal at Summer Game Fest, New World...