rainbow six siege

Rainbow Six player responsible for a swatting of Ubisoft sentenced to three years of community service

Back in 2020, the developers of Ubisoft Montreal were faced with a frightening and harrowing experience when the office building they work at was...

Ubisoft swings the banhammer at nearly 19,000 accounts for using an unspecified ‘fraudulent exploit’

We can all generally agree that using an exploit in an online multiplayer game is just asking for trouble at best and is the...

Ubisoft takes Google and Apple to court over an alleged Rainbow Six Siege mobile clone

Ubisoft is legally miffed at Google and Apple. After pleas to both companies to remove a mobile game that looks an awful lot like...

MMO Business Roundup: Tencent, Ubisoft, Rockstar, energy, Creativerse, and Cold Iron Studios

Welcome back to another roundup of MMO (and MMO-adjacent) industry news! Tencent: Just before Funcom and Tencent announced the Chinese gaming giant was angling to...

Ubisoft cracks down on chat griefers with Rainbow Six banwave

File this one under are you even kidding me right now: A whole bunch of griefers just got banned from Rainbow Six Siege for...

Ubisoft is not here for Rainbow Six Siege players’ toxic behavior

Remember last spring when Ubisoft said it was getting serious about cracking down on toxicity in Rainbow Six Siege? The company said it was...

The war on toxicity: Overwatch League and Rainbow Six Siege crack down

Are studios starting to wake up and take action against particularly odious instances of gaming toxicity in their products? Blizzard, at least, is working...
The Quick and the Gay

Ubisoft addresses Rainbow Six Siege toxicity, ESPN slams toxicity in Overwatch League

Ubisoft is sick of toxicity in its games, and to combat it, it's whipping out the banhammer as a "first step" in getting the...