MJ Guthrie

MJ Guthrie

Community Manager

When not immersed in her favorite virtual worlds, MJ can be found hanging out with her family, reading, coaching/playing sports, writing fiction, singing, and dabbling in graphic design (in random order, depending on mood and season). Her favorite part of MMOs? Observing the dynamics of virtual communities. That psychology degree has to come in handy somewhere, doesn't it?

MJ's Massively Overpowered adventures can be found many places: She investigates Secret World Legends/The Secret World's conspiracies in Chaos Theory, chronicles the EverQuest franchise in EverQuesting, practices survival in many sandboxes with The Survivalist, and livestreams for the Stream Team.

Personal blog: Looking for Shinies
Twitter: @MJ_Guthrie

The Stream Team: Investigating Elder Scrolls Online’s Necrom by eeny, meeny, miny, Mo

Although a bit disappointed that both weren't traitors, Massively OP's MJ did root out Dralys in Elder Scrolls Online's Necrom story arc, as well...

The Stream Team: Witch It real good!

PvP with an adorable, crazy twist? That's definitely right up Massively OP's MJ's alley! So when she was gifted the hide and seek game...

The Stream Team: It’s the Tailor Scouts vs. the Fashion Police in AQ3D

It's an epic showdown you never expected in AQ3D: the Tailor Scouts vs. the Fashion Police! Winnie's magical mithril shears are missing, and Massively...

The Stream Team: Retrieving magical vineyard gems in Dungeons & Dragons Online

Even after Massively OP's MJ cleared the dangers in the DDO winery, she still can't get any wine from the Martikov family because they...

The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming takes a look at Nightingale

In an era of armchair warriors, we bring you Backseat Streamers! Here, Massively OP’s Chris and MJ get to take a backseat and watch...

The Stream Team: Stuck in Guild Wars 2’s Secrets of the Obscure grind

It was a case of close, but no cig... er, skyscale. Last week, Massively OP's MJ excitedly finished up all the achievements to get...

The Stream Team: Spreading the Star Days love in Warframe

February holiday events aren't always about hearts and pink... oh, whom are we kidding? Yes they are; even for space ninjas. Warframe's Star Days...

The Stream Team: AQ3D adds mail in time for Heroes Heart Day

Who doesn't like to get valentines in the mail? And now, for AQ3D's Heroes Hearts Day, you can! Because the MMO has just added...

The Stream Team: MOP Party Animals mayhem

It's no secret that Massively OPs MJ and Chris really enjoy the heart- and head-pounding action of Party Animals. Now, they're dragging Larry into...

The Stream Team: The Final Vintage of Dungeons & Dragons Online

In true "run there, get that" MMO fashion, the next Dungeons and Dragons Online adventure in the Mists of Ravenloft saga is a chain...

The Stream Team: The final steps for a Guild Wars 2 Skyscale

It has been a long road, but Massively OP's MJ is finally on the last steps to getting her very own skyscale in Guild...

The Stream Team: Mini Mo Mania for the 9th MOPiversary

How long is nine years? Measured from your Daily Grind wishes to a pirate's week in review, it's how long Massively OP has been...

The Stream Team: Just grin and bear it in ICARUS

Last time when Massively OP's MJ tried to explore ICARUS via horseback, she was waylaid by a bear. Not willing to have her plans...

The Stream Team: AQ3D celebrates the Year of the Dragon

With a logo that is a dragon, it's no surprise that AQ3D would celebrate the Year of the Dragon! The two are a perfect...

The Stream Team: Solving Dungeons & Dragons Online’s Sealed in Amber

In DDO, Ravenloft's Strahd has no dearth of enemies. A dusk elf named Kasimir Velikov has followed the guidance of his treacherous dead sister,...

The Stream Team: Going gangbusters on Guild Wars 2’s Skywatch meta event

It's back to Skywatch for Massively OP's MJ. Specifically, she's heading to Guild Wars 2's meta event there. Why? Because she learned last time...

The Stream Team: Spelunking for snowmen for Astroneer’s 5th birthday Breakdown event

Massively OP's MJ was pretty sad that she couldn't complete Astroneer's Christmas event owing to the lack of event drops; no toys nor snowmen...

The Stream Team: Warframe’s book and brainiac fish

When Massively OP's MJ left off in her Warframe Whispers in the Walls adventures last time, it wasn't the walls she was listening to....

The Stream Team: Starting again in AQ3D with a revamped experience

What would convince Massively OP's MJ to start over in AQ3D? A new starting experience! But this isn't about forfeiting all her achievements and...

The Stream Team: Blowing up birthday Borg in Scorpion’s Abyss on Star Trek Online’s 14th anniversary

Happy 14th anniversary, Star Trek Online! And Massively OP's MJ is celebrating by running the newest content, Scorpion's Abyss. This episode brings in Ezri...