Star Citizen devs report drying funds, micromanagement, overspending, and episodic release for Squadron 42
Stick and Rudder: On CitizenCon day two, Star Citizen talked MMO design and full 1.0 release
Star Citizen devs are being forced into mandatory unpaid overtime in order to make CitizenCon happen
Ashes of Creation’s Steven Sharif talks Alpha 2 features, the MMO’s design, and ‘the bite of failure’ in PvX
Stick and Rudder: Star Citizen talks tools, gear, social features, and Squadron 42 at CitizenCon day one
Star Citizen shows off new character creation choices and successfully crams dozens of players into a tram
City of Heroes Homecoming is about to release 1.6M character names – here’s how to save yours
My Time at Evershine devs: Get our Kickstarter to $2.5M and we’ll leap past early access
Vampire MMORPG Shadow’s Kiss sunsets, with a dire warning about the early access trap
MMO Hype Train: Concern for the fragile labor and delivery of Pantheon
Star Citizen outlines its panels and presentations for this weekend’s CitizenCon event
Kickstarted survival sandbox Fractured Veil is sunsetting this week, having never left early access
Fractured is going free-to-play as it revamps its content model around seasons
Elite Dangerous delays this month’s Mandalay ship and powerplay rework by a week
Shroud of the Avatar added a fishing hat, polishes quests, and applies fixes in Release 130
City of Titans’ primary city designer has passed away from cancer
Ashes of Creation shares a primer of October 25’s Alpha Two and previews the starting city of Lionhold
Star Citizen recaps its server meshing efforts and outlines future testing plans
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen maps out its path to early access, now targeting the winter holiday season
Valheim’s boardgame has kicked off its crowdfunding campaign