community adventure
Choose My Adventure: Amnesia and exploration in Project Gorgon
Hello, friends, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. If you’re just tuning in, you need to know that this round of columns is focusing...
Choose My Adventure: Priming up for Project Gorgon
Hi there, friends! Welcome back to Choose My Adventure, where this week I’ll be unveiling the results of last week’s poll, fine readers like...
Choose My Adventure: Revenge of the CMA
Hello, friends, and welcome to the long-overdue return of Choose My Adventure. I don’t have a lot to say in the way of preamble,...
Choose My Adventure: Crafting catastrophes and dungeon doldrums in Blade & Soul
Hello, friends, and welcome to the fourth and final installment of Choose My Adventure with Blade & Soul. Last week, as you may recall...
Choose My Adventure: Blade & Soul’s questing, PvP, combat, and impractically revealing outfits
Hello friends, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure, where I'm in my third week of exploring NCSoft's martial-arts MMORPG, Blade & Soul. Last...
Choose My Adventure: Blade & Soul’s school of hard knocks (and mysterious, potentially deadly curses)
Hello friends, and welcome to week two of the February series of Choose My Adventure. For those of you who are just tuning in,...
Choose My Adventure: Entering the fray in Blade & Soul
Hello, friends, and welcome to a spankin' new series of Choose My Adventure. This month, I'm going to be diving into NCSoft's wuxia-inspired Blade &...
Choose My Adventure: Brewing disaster in Shroud of the Avatar
Hello, friends, and welcome to the final (belated) installment of Choose My Adventure: Shroud of the Avatar edition. Last week, I asked y'all to...
Choose My Adventure: Exploring Shroud of the Avatar’s (not so) open wilds
Hello, friends, and welcome to the penultimate installment of Choose My Adventure: Shroud of the Avatar. Last week, in addition to giving the game's...
Choose My Adventure: In which my Shroud of the Avatar plans are foiled
Hello friends, and welcome to the next installment of the Shroud of the Avatar edition of Choose My Adventure. Last week, as I'm sure...
Choose My Adventure: Trying on the Shroud of the Avatar
Hello friends, and welcome to the new year's first installment of Choose My Adventure. As you may have noticed, I took a bit of...
The MMORPG adventures you chose in 2015
When the Choose My Adventure column was first begun many years ago on Massively-that-was, it was an adventure entirely in the hands of the readers. The...
Choose My Adventure: Wrapping up my Guild Wars 2 adventure
Hello again, friends, and welcome to the fourth and final installment of the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns edition of Choose My Adventure....
Choose My Adventure: Rising through the ranks in Guild Wars 2
Hello, friends, and welcome yet again to another installment of Choose My Adventure. Over the course of last weekend, I've continued my journeys in...
Choose My Adventure: Running amok with Guild Wars 2’s Revenant
Hello again, friends, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. As you may or may not have noticed, CMA took a little hiatus last...
Choose My Adventure: Into the Heart of Thorns
Hello again friends, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. November is upon us, and that means two things: It's time for another round...
Choose My Adventure: Settling the homestead in WildStar
Hello everyone, and welcome to the latest (and ostensibly greatest, depending on your perspective) installment of Choose My Adventure. This week, we'll be bidding...
Choose My Adventure: WildStar’s crafting frustrations
Welcome, everyone, to another installment of Choose My Adventure: WildStar edition. Last week, Bonongo Jazz, Chua Spellslinger-slash-Explorer-slash-Architect extraordinaire, arrived at the Dominion outpost of...
Choose My Adventure: Unearthing the mysteries of WildStar’s Levian Bay
Hello everyone, and welcome back to Choose My Adventure. Last week, you fine folks voted on whether my pwecious wittle Chua Spellslinger would continue his...
Choose My Adventure: Mad science and spellslinging in WildStar
Hello, everyone, and welcome once again to the formulaic introduction to yet another installment of Choose My Adventure. As is tradition, let's start with...