community adventure

Choose My Adventure: Trialing and testing in Trixion before returning to Lost Ark

I'm going to preface my return to Choose My Adventure by noting that I've had a very busy few days. It's been a good...

Choose My Adventure: What Warhammer Return of Reckoning taught me about my competitive nature

I used to believe that I wasn't a very competitive person. Sure, I could consider myself stubborn and driven to excel, and I most...

Choose My Adventure: Frustrations mount in Warhammer Return of Reckoning

Memory is a funny ol' thing. It can straight-up lie to you and convince you of something that probably wasn't even there. Or it...

Choose My Adventure: PvP and RvR bring reward and rage in Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning

It was pretty darn clear what you folks wanted me to experience next in the Return of Reckoning rogue server for Warhammer Online, and...

Choose My Adventure: A Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning reunion with a dash of WAAAGH

It's criminal that there aren't as many Warhammer games that use the Orks. They're my favorite group in the game purely because they just...

Choose My Adventure: Age of Conan engages my barbarian rage

Let me be honest with you all: This week saw me ragequit out of Age of Conan, though not quite to the point that...

Choose My Adventure: Finding frustrations in Age of Conan

If that headline wasn't a big enough clue, then let me just go ahead and reaffirm: This week, life in Age of Conan was...

Choose My Adventure: Settling into Age of Conan’s uncomfortable routine

Today's Choose My Adventure column is about the groove. I think some folks know what I mean in relation to MMOs (or even gaming in...

Choose My Adventure: Age of Conan underwhelms almost immediately

For an MMORPG that has been out for as long as it has, Age of Conan sure feels like an early access title. And...

Choose My Adventure: Plumbing the challenging Delera’s Tomb in Dungeons and Dragons Online

This week's Choose My Adventure ended up being a bit more challenging than I had expected it to be. Primarily because my level five...

Choose My Adventure: DDO’s Catacombs offer a classic taste of the MMOs storytelling

Let me start this week's Choose My Adventure on something of a tangent - a parallel one, but a tangent nonetheless. If it wasn't...

Choose My Adventure: Sludging through the Saltmarsh of Dungeons and Dragons Online

This week's Choose My Adventure episode was all about heading to a new-to-me area in Dungeons and Dragons Online: Saltmarsh. Trust me, it would...

Choose My Adventure: Adventuring in the Borderlands of Dungeons and Dragons Online

Now this place I remember. I'm pretty sure I've done this before for the site. Or have I done it in my off-time on...

Choose My Adventure: Dungeons and Dragons Online immediately brings that tabletop goodness

It's still early days for this month's run of Choose My Adventure, but even so I can pretty much immediately confirm my earlier suspicions:...

Choose My Adventure: Endgame in Neverwinter nearly rocks my Bard’s face apart

So as that headline suggests, I made it to level 20 in Neverwinter. That's not really too surprising to regular players, I imagine -...

Choose My Adventure: Rocking my way to max level Bard play in Neverwinter

The journey in Neverwinter continues with pure, unadulterated focus on my Bard, as suggested by the voting public. And I promise, I won't ask...

Choose My Adventure: The Songblade makes Neverwinter’s Bard rock even harder

Most of the time when I'm beaten over the head by an MMORPG's meta, I tend to thumb it in the eye and tacitly...

Choose My Adventure: The Neverwinter Bard continues to rock even as the challenge level rises

This week in Neverwinter could be best described as broken up into two halves: a half of chicken time and a half of regular...

Choose My Adventure: Neverwinter’s Bard rocks

Neverwinter is another one of those MMORPGs that I just put on the shelf and walked away from after being generally bored by it....

Choose My Adventure: Embers Adrift defeats me

You know how last week I mentioned I was mad? Well now I'm just disappointed. Mostly in myself, but also in Embers Adrift. To preface,...