
The Stream Team: Water wings and other AQ3D tidbits

Some days it's not about doing a grand story adventure, but just meandering through the odds and ends of unfinished business. And that's what...

The Stream Team: Fighting a colossus and obtaining Bunny in The First Descendant

They say that the third time is the charm. Well, that appears to be the case for MOP's Chris, as he's finally gotten through...

The Stream Team: The prince of trades and Immortality Lessons in Dungeons & Dragons Online

It's time to face the music... or at least the archefey and his music. Massively OP's MJ is going to visit DDO's Prince of...

The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming creeps into Once Human

In an era of armchair warriors, we bring you Backseat Streamers! Here, Massively OP’s Chris and MJ get to take a backseat and watch...

The Stream Team: Checking out the kart racing map of Party Animals

Party Animals has kart racing now. MOP's Chris and MJ must play this. That's pretty much all you need to know about this stream,...

The Stream Team: The return of Rata Novus in Guild Wars 2

Thankful that she obtained the Guild Wars 2 hunting mastery in just one night, Massively OP's MJ is more than ready to continue Heart...

Fight or Kite: Backpack Battles puts your bag sorting skills to the test

After the dungeon has been cleared, the boss has been felled, and the zerg has been wiped out, the very next thing we all...

Choose My Adventure: Gleeful space truckin’ through Elite Dangerous

This is, for all intents and purposes, going to be a very simple, laid back, and perhaps obnoxiously serene edition of Choose My Adventure....

The Stream Team: Warframe’s Jade Shadows Stalker rescue plus TennoCon talk

Massively OP's MJ is currently in the middle of Jade Shadows, where she's playing as the Stalker while attempting to save someone special. Obviously,...

The Stream Team: Entering the battle arena of Final Fantasy XIV’s Arcadion raid

It's time for MOP's Chris and his team to step into the ring! Specifically, the combat arenas that await within Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail's...

The Stream Team: Three friends walk into the horrors of Content Warning together

What happens after that? Well, you'll just have to tune in and find out! Yes, MOP's Chris is once again hopping into the fun...

The Stream Team: Hopping in to the open beta of Throne & Liberty

It's time for MOP's Chris to once again to start on another open beta adventure! This time his destination is NCsoft's and Amazon's Throne...

The Stream Team: Checking out the extremely weird battle royale of Knightfall

You ever see one of those games come across your recommended feed and think that it's time to roll the dice? That's where MOP's...

The Stream Team: Frantically trying to eat everything in Pizza Possum

MOP's Chris is hungry. Hungry for pizza. Hungry for arcade gaming. Hungry for... well, anything that's not nailed down! Today, he and his best...

The Stream Team: Hunting the Nuhoch hunting mastery in Guild Wars 2

It figures: Shortly after Massively OP's MJ felt relief for conquering the gliding mastery to continue with Guild Wars 2's Heart of Thorns story,...

Choose My Adventure: Slipping back in to the simple pleasures of Elite Dangerous

Last week's original Choose My Adventure plans took a backseat to my Soapbox on Dawntrail, so thank you for bearing with me on that,...

The Stream Team: Aiding Scruut in Elder Scrolls Online

The ever opposite-of-effervescent Scruut is easily the favorite character of Massively OP's MJ in Elder Scrolls Online's Necrom. And the next part of the...

The Stream Team: Hopping into the Dawntrail roulettes of Final Fantasy XIV

It's time once again for MOP's Chris and his crew to come together in Final Fantasy XIV and hit the roulettes! Only this time...

The Stream Team: The killer droid jailbreak in SWTOR

The end is nigh! Massively OP's Larry is so close now to finishing the SWTOR's quest line to adopt the new Mandalorian robo pet,...

The Stream Team: Summer sun and fun in AQ3D

The heat is really bearing down in Massively OP's MJ, so she's going to enjoy cooling off at the beach -- even if only...