video game preservation

Stop Killing Games Initiative stumps for signatures to pressure EU governments

This past April saw the formation of the Stop Killing Games initiative, a grass roots attempt by YouTuber Ross Scott to enact laws that...
cars go vroom vroom

Stop Killing Games opens worldwide petitions and shares a UK government response in update video

Readers will likely remember that last month we reported on the Stop Killing Games initiative, a grass roots campaign started by YouTuber Ross Scott...
A bit of a message disconnect.

Ubisoft pulls The Crew 1 from player libraries, encourages them to ‘check the store to pursue your adventures’

Last March was the final bell tolling for multiplayer racer The Crew 1, as Ubisoft completed an announced sunsetting of its servers, effectively making...

14-year-old golf MMO Sega Splash Golf is slowly being reassembled by one dedicated fan

Normally we open these kinds of stories by asking our readers if they remember an old game, but it's extremely likely that nobody outside...

Project Visitor, the emulator of Sega’s 10Six, is still going strong after six years

We're dipping deep into antiquity with this question: Who here remembers 10Six? If you don't, that's all right because we unearthed it back in...
Which one of you is the Juno Reactor and which one is the Don Davis?

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs should be preserved in the Video Game Museum?

In returning to the video game preservation debate this week following the DMCA exceptions granted to museums and archivists allowing them to archive online...