web3 games

Ubisoft resolves to launch two Web3 games this year but admits five years of work have yielded nothing

Just in case you were thinking that Ubisoft had stopped huffing the guff of Web3, blockchain, and crypto, allow a VentureBeat interview with blockchain...

Metaverse MMO Avalon gets $10M investment, talks up its game features, AI tools, and Web3

Depending on one's point of view, this news is either the next step forward for Jeffrey Butler's gestating MMO Avalon or proof that investors...

Magic to Master goes crypto, ties down a publisher, and eyes a nebulous February early access release window

With all of the loud goose honking that came out of the gaming industry in 2023, it would be understandably easy to have forgotten...
Fandaniel is a bad person, don't be like Fandaniel.

Square-Enix claps hands with a blockchain game platform that ‘hides web3 technology under the hood’

At this point, game publishers and developers are likely wise to the fact that the vast majority of gamers don't want, like, or need...