Pokemon Go smashes through $600M revenue barrier in record time


Most game app designers can only dream of their title taking off and raking in millions of dollars in revenue. It’s almost a laughable pipe dream to hope that your game will reach $600 million. And yet Pokemon Go has reached that number — and done so in record time.

According to GamesIndustry.biz, Pokemon Go is now the fastest app to ever hit $600 million in its run. “The game’s revenues passed the $600M mark in just 90 days,” the site reported. “To give further context, it took Clash of Clans more than 500 days to do the same, while Puzzle & Dragons took over 400 days. Even King’s casual smash hit Candy Crush Saga didn’t generate that amount until after its 200th day.”

Pokemon Go has accounted for 45% of all of the time that Android users spent playing games over the past three months. As recently as last month, the title was pulling in $2 million a day in revenue.

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