I never cared about EverQuest. The first game came out before I was even remotely interested in an online game, and the sequel wasn’t World of Warcraft, so I wasn’t there on the ground floor. Thing is, people have told me that there are things I would enjoy about the aforementioned sequel, and I believe them, but at this point I have a large enough number of games and enough stuff to do in general that odds are near-absolute I’ll never actually play it.
I suspect we all have games like that, ones that we never played before and don’t have enough of a reason to try now, even if we’re curious about them as a whole. Maybe you just slightly missed the train for Star Wars: The Old Republic and feel you can’t dive in now, maybe you just didn’t ever find that spare weekend to try Lord of the Rings Online, or maybe you don’t own a console and have too much to do even if Destiny ever releases on PC. So what MMOs do you doubt you’ll ever play regardless of their potential merit?