MMORPGs are looking up in Raptr’s latest most-played report. World of Warcraft held onto the #3 spot (in spite of a 20+% play-time drop), with showings also from Final Fantasy XIV and Star Wars: The Old Republic, but it was Guild Wars 2 at #13 that carried September for the genre.
“Our biggest gainer of September was Guild Wars 2, which jumped eight places due to a major update that added new content to the Gem Store and a week-long discount to the complete Living World Season 2 pack,” says Raptr. “We’ll have to see what kind of boost the game gets from its first expansion pack in late October.”
Guild Wars 2 had actually fallen off the top 20 charts over the summer.
Caveats? We got ’em. Let me just quote myself:
The stats represent only users of the Raptr service, and percentage playtime is calculated relative to other games, so it is possible for a game to sink in relative rankings while actually improving in overall playtime/players/income/health (and vice versa). Irritatingly, Raptr does not provide complete information on games’ total playtime except for the tidbits it mentions in the body of the article.