The Olympics now have an official esports event starting next year


Here’s some encouraging news for almost all of our readers today: You too can become a genuine Olympic athlete if you’re really good at clicking mouses and doing the WASDs and stuff! That’s because the International Olympic Committee voted to create a new entity called the Olympic Esports Games that will kick off next year.

“The 142nd IOC Session in Paris endorsed the proposal by the IOC Executive Board (EB) unanimously. For the organisation of the Games, the IOC has partnered with the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Saudi Arabia for 12 years,” the committee posted on the official site.

This follows an “Olympic Esports Week” that happened in Singapore last year (and many long years of waffling over the idea). The IOC said that the Olympic Esports Games is “clearly separated” entity from the normal Olympics, probably because someone’s going to fire a virtual rocket launcher to light the torch at this event. Presumably.

Next up is the work to decide upon all of those other important details you’re probably thinking about right now: “Following today’s decision, work will begin immediately on selecting a city and venue for the inaugural edition of the Olympic Esports Games, the specific timing of the event, the titles to be included, the qualification process for the players and further details.”

Source: Olympics
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