Nielsen has a massive “fan report” out this week dubbed The E-Sports Playbook, covering audiences in the US, UK, Germany, and France and focusing on e-sports fans as a market. There’s a massive breakdown of demographics that will suprise nobody, like the fact that millennial men are the core audience for watching e-sports, and they aren’t into actual sports or TV.
One of the more interesting surveys included covers whether fans believe e-sports are real sports (over 50% do) and whether they think it belongs in the Olympics (less than a third do). I thought we’d replicate the latter part of the survey for today’s Leaderboard. Knowing that e-sports are already being included in multiple sporting games in Asia, and given Nielsen’s clear lean toward its being an inevitability, what do you think?
Do e-sports belong in the Olympics?
- Yes, all of them (6%, 12 Votes)
- Yes, some of them (9%, 18 Votes)
- No, none of them (78%, 164 Votes)
- I don't know or care (4%, 8 Votes)
- No response / elf butts / view results (4%, 8 Votes)
Total Voters: 210
Here are the standings from Nielsen for comparison:
Hat tip to Gamasutra!