Home MMORPG WIR April 23 2017 (Posts)

    WIR April 23 2017 (Posts)

    Amazon job posting reveals New World details - A job listing for a player relations specialist may be inadvertently giving us a glimpse of a few details concerning Amazon's upcoming New World MMORPG. Tucked inside the job posting is…
    LOTRO devs address anniversary event uproar - [AL:LOTRO]While Lord of the Rings Online players are flitting all around Middle-earth to complete the brand-new scavenger hunt cards, not everyone is happy with the anniversary event. Some of the…
    Perfect Ten: Time travel in MMORPGs - Over the years, I've been fascinated with the concept of time in MMORPGs. It's one of those things that developers probably don't want you thinking about too closely, since it…
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