Home MMORPG Year in Review – April 2024 (editorials)
Working As Intended: The top 10 hot tubs in MMORPGs
Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV isn’t easier, but it also is
Choose My Adventure: Returning, remembering, and relearning in New World
Fight or Kite: Predecessor’s open beta brings back MOBA action and a heap of nostalgia
Perfect Ten: The 10 best Final Fantasy crossovers
Global Chat: What should we be thinking about Guild Wars 3?
Into the Super-Verse: How to get started with Incarnates in City of Heroes
Massively Overthinking: Would you pay for a Guild Wars 1 revival?
Tamriel Infinium: Everything you need to know about Elder Scrolls Online’s Gold Road chapter
Vague Patch Notes: Game preservation is way more complicated than it seems
LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online’s Corsairs of Umbar is a vacation into the unknown
First Impressions: Gigantic Rampage Edition’s classic Clash mode and the game’s overall plans for the future
Wisdom of Nym: Taking a look at the Final Fantasy XVI x Final Fantasy XIV crossover
Not So Massively: Final Stand Ragnarok might be the seed of a fun game, but it was set up for failure
Perfect Ten: MMOs that earned a notorious reputation
Into the Super-Verse: What to pick for your Incarnate powers in City of Heroes
Massively Overthinking: How long should it take MMO players to get to ‘endgame’?
WoW Factor: What’s a Mists of Pandaria remix and why is World of Warcraft doing it?
Wisdom of Nym: Benchmarks, better graphics, and bountiful schedules for Final Fantasy XIV
Fight or Kite: Gigantic is a fantastic MOBA, but it’s missing a bit of Q and A and TLC
Choose My Adventure: Battling New World tank builds, the wider meta, and personal stubbornness
Casually Classic: Four lessons we’ve learned from WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery so far
Perfect Ten: The 10 types of MMO rotation
Vague Patch Notes: Getting meta in MMORPGs
Not So Massively: Godsworn made me break my ‘no early access’ rule
Massively Overthinking: MMOs and ‘fresh piece of gum’ syndrome
LOTRO Legendarium: Looking back and ahead at LOTRO’s 17th birthday
Wisdom of Nym: Does Final Fantasy XIV not have enough minigames?
Choose My Adventure: Elder Scrolls Online makes a play to be my second home MMO
Vitae Aeternum: So just what is New World’s big June announcement?
Perfect Ten: Great MMO April Fools’ Day pranks from back in the day
Tamriel Infinium: Will Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road’s spell scribing be a gamechanger?
Vague Patch Notes: When MMO designers build traps for players
Massively Overthinking: Is there a feature or item in MMORPGs you won’t play without?
WoW Factor: Exit BlizzCon, for good this time?
Into the Super-verse: Why the resurrection of 20-year-old City of Heroes is worth celebrating, even if you don’t play
Stick and Rudder: So let’s talk about those Elite Dangerous pre-built ships
LOTRO Legendarium: 27 practical benefits of LOTRO’s player housing
Wisdom of Nym: It’s OK that your Final Fantasy XIV character is going to look different in Dawntrail
Choose My Adventure: Necro Kitty proves to be a reasonable Elder Scrolls Online tank
Fight or Kite: Pax Dei’s alpha is equal parts survival gameplay and grind-fueled crafting