
PvP stands for player-vs.-player. PvP can take the form of virtual combat, economic trade, political machinations, or other competition.

EVE Online details plans to adjust Equinox’s sovereignty, Zarzakh, dailies, and ship skin tool

Now that the Equinox update of EVE Online has been out in the wild for just over a month, CCP Games is prepared to...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 477: The lineage of Lineage

Justin and Bree discuss Throne and Liberty's beta, Ultima Online's New Legacy, New World, Spellfarers, TennoCon, and Soulforge, with adventures in LOTRO, WoW, No Man's Sky, and T&L, plus a mailbag topic on the usefulness of MMO mobile apps.

Enter to win a Gigantic Rampage Edition key on PC, PlayStation, or Xbox in honor of Ranked Mode S1

Gigantic's devs has a big day in store for fans of the game, as season one of the MOBA's Ranked Mode is live on...

Fight or Kite: Backpack Battles puts your bag sorting skills to the test

After the dungeon has been cleared, the boss has been felled, and the zerg has been wiped out, the very next thing we all...

‘Adaption shooter’ Ascendant is plotting an August open beta – with transmedia ambitions

What the heck is an "adaption shooter"? That was my first and really only question upon first hearing about Ascendant (fka Ascendant Infinity), PlayFusion's...
ganky gank

Albion Online’s Paths to Glory update goes live with a task journal, dynamic spawns, and quality-of-life

Usually people aren't happy to see a list of tasks arrive to them, but in the case of Albion Online, there are ideally lots...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs are low-key pay-to-win but somehow avoid criticism?

A thread on the MMORPG subreddit caught my eye a few weeks ago as the post author suggested that Albion Online was not only...

League of Legends launches its limited-time PvE ‘bullet heaven’ mode and introduces an autistic champion

Usually the words "bullet" and "heaven" are incongruent, unless you're piloting a mecha named Bullet Heaven or are leading a throwback hair metal band...

Sea of Thieves Season 13 will let players become the villainous world event on July 25

Sometimes it's good to be bad, and that's the opportunity being afforded to players of Sea of Thieves on Thursday, July 25th, which is...
You know the song.

Albion Online looks back on its last year as the game turns seven

It may be hard to believe, but it has now been seven years since Albion Online launched, and in that time we've named it...

World of Tanks readies a ‘relaxed’ Onslaught mode, World of Warships deploys new French destroyers

Whether you prefer your world of combat vehicle multiplayer games to be full of tanks or warships, there are some new things to do...

Albion Online previews its new journal-themed achievement system, Albion Journal

Are the hardcore PvP fans of Albion Online going to be entranced with a new feature called the Albion Journal? Probably not phrased that...

War Thunder nerds once again use classified military documents in a forum discussion

Reset the timer, everyone: The forums of War Thunder have once again seen another set of classified military documents used as a cudgel to...

The MOP Up: Marvel Snap goes maximum effort with this month’s Deadpool season

Deadpool's taken over Marvel Snap (just in time for his new movie) and is bringing a new game mode, several new cards (including Gwenpool),...

EVE Vanguard talks up its vision for ‘a true MMOFPS’ in latest video

For better or worse, CCP Games has had no lack of lofty aspirations, and while many of them have either fallen flat or are...
aw hell

Massively Overthinking: How often do you play human MMO characters when you have other choices?

I've been thinking about this question a bit lately, partly owing to Stars Reach and partly to Project Gorgon. Playable Worlds says Stars Reach...

Riot Games was reportedly working on a Smash Bros-style League of Legends platform brawler

What would happen if you blended together the platform brawling of Super Smash Bros. with the character roster of League of Legends? You would...

Albion Online celebrates seventh birthday with cake and the Living Legacy event

Albion Online is coasting into its seventh birthday this week with its Living Legacy event splashed across all three regional servers, pitting players against...

The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming gets some flight time in Nuclear Option

Backseat Streaming is once again hopping into the virtual pilot's seat with tonight's game footage! This time it's the multiplayer team dogfighter Nuclear Option...

EVE Online outlines plans to continue its nullsec focus and release Vanguard to Steam early access

EVE Online fans have gotten their first taste of what the rest of this year is looking like for their favorite gankbox, as CCP...