
The Stream Team: Surviving ARK’s turkeyocalypse

Turkey leftovers are nothing to be afraid of, right? Wrong! The turkeys that have invaded ARK are little beasts of destruction. MJ won't let...

The Stream Team: Battling turkey leftovers in Black Desert

Instead of beating her way through a mob of shoppers, Massively OP's MJ is spending her Black Friday beating her way through mobs in...

The Stream Team: Surviving Black Friday in The Black Death

What does Black Friday make you think of? It's a survival game if there ever was one, just set out in the real world!...

The Stream Team: A holiday serving of Master X Master alpha

One thing Massively OP's MJ is thankful for is the ability to peek into new and developing games to see what they are up...

The Stream Team: Taste-testing Trove’s Turkeytopia

Massively OP's MJ loves turkey, and rumor has it she'll have more turkey than she can handle in Trove. Hopefully that includes the mount...

The Stream Team: Thankful for long-range missiles in MechWarrior Online

You can find something to be thankful for anywhere, and Massively OP's MJ is thankful for long-range missiles in MechWarrior Online. She'd rather stay...

The Stream Team: Getting chummy with SWTOR’s SCORPIO companion

When SWTOR companions want to chat, they don't just want to chat! Last time, Massively OP's Larry and MJ were traveling about the galaxy...

The Stream Team: Frolicking in Fafnir’s Winter Wonderland in SMITE

If she thought SMITE's Xing Tian’s Mountain was fun, Massively OP's MJ thinks Fafnir's Winter Wonderland looks even more so! She loves frivolity, and...

The Stream Team: Win a Wizard101 Mirage Raider’s bundle

Are you leery about heading out to shop this week (especially Friday!)? Massively OP's MJ understands. That's why she has some new Wizard101 bundles...

The Stream Team: Storming Marvel Heroes’ Cosmic trial

Massively OP's MJ couldn't quite complete the achievement to unlock the Pirate Deadpool team up in preparation for Marvel Heroes' Cosmic trial, so today...

The Stream Team: Testing ARK’s Scorched Earth weaponry on wyverns

MoPark may not have naturally occurring wyverns, but there will be some to hunt today! MassivelyOP's MJ is adding an ARK Scorched Earth dino...

The Stream Team: Checking out EVE as free-to-play

Here's something you may not have expected to ever see: Massively OP's MJ in EVE Online! It's not because she has never played (she...

The Stream Team: Blue Mountain sabotage in The Secret World

It's a long road, but Massively OP's MJ is taking another step down that path towards the sabotage achievement The Unseen in The Secret World....

The Stream Team: Teaming up with Artix for MechWarrior Online

What does AdventureQuest 3D and MechWarrior Online have in common? They are both games that Artix teams up with Massively OP's MJ to play!...

The Stream Team: Launching into EverQuest II’s Kunark Ascending

What an EverQuest Two-sday this is! Today is expansion launch day, and you know Massively OP's MJ can't resist poking into the new zone....

The Stream Team: Checking into LOTRO’s Inn of the Forsaken

You say you want another LOTRO stream? Massively OP's MJ has you covered! A couple friends are joining her for a trip to the...

The Stream Team: Conversing with SWTOR’s companions

The last time Massively OP's Larry and MJ had a bonus companion stream, MJ ended up married! Could it happen again? Before she moves...

The Stream Team: EverQuest II turns 12 today!

It is definitely a special day when EQII's anniversary falls on EverQuest Two-sday! How could Massively OP's MJ do anything but party? She's heading...

The Stream Team: A day with Marvel Heroes’ Dr. Strange

Long before there was a movie, Marvel Heroes had Dr. Strange as part of the line up. But with so many heroes, Massively OP's...

The Stream Team: A glimpse of Revelation Online

Are you curious what Revelation Online is all about? Would you like to catch a glimpse of it? Or better yet, would you like...