WRUP: Entropic triage edition

If I could turn back time, it wouldn't really matter.

This week, I got some good news on Tuesday and Monday, but most of the week has been things breaking. My car has issues with what I suspect to be her exhaust system. My computer’s power supply went out (at least, that seems to be the problem, I’m making sure). A Lego kit my wife assembled fell and one of the pieces went missing. Little things, solvable things, but still part and parcel with a life of entropic triage.

I’m using that term from now on, because that’s what life is. It’s continuous and ongoing. Things break all the time, because they always break, because you can’t stop things from breaking. All you can do is consistently scramble to keep things from being too badly damaged. You put a patch on the most immediate problem and hope it holds so that you get a few days of nothing being actively broken.

Which is kind of a depressing thought, but the world includes cats, so it can’t be all bad. And I’m sure you have weekend plans that you’d like to share in this week’s What Are You Playing beneath the accounts from myself and my fellow Massively Overpowered writers. Whatever is going to break can wait until that’s done.

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): I have a little work, but I think I’ll mostly have a free weekend. I’m playing a different online TCG for kicks but… along with Hearthstone, MJ’s enthusiasm for HEX is making me want to jump back in and see what’s up, especially in light of HS‘s upcoming changes.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I had been playing my Monk through Diablo III‘s season, but I hit a bit of a grind wall, and I’m debating whether to reroll or try something else. My Ultima Online account is on to refresh my house, and I’ve been itching to play Marvel Heroes again, but we’ll see. I hate to dump D3 when I actually have a bunch of friends playing all at the same time, which never happens!

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): My computer’s power supply decided to start giving up the ghost on Thursday evening, so my weekend plans are contingent on it being back to working status on Saturday morning (which it should be). Assuming that’s on track (and it ought to be) I have to hit up the Valentione’s Day celebration in Final Fantasy XIV whilst continuing on in Star Wars: The Old Republic and playing around with World of Warcraft‘s expansion alpha.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m trying to fix a particularly aggravating frame rate issue in The Secret World, so if I can lock that down, it’s a lot more Scorched Desert for me. I’m also trying to speed-level some side classes in FFXIV to gain access to a couple of skills that I need for my healer.

MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): This weekend is all about getting out in nature: Taming new dinos in Ark: Survival Evolved and farming in ArcheAge. I’d like to fit some EverQuest II progression server in as well as a little The Secret World if possible, but those dinos really don’t capture themselves…

Patreon Donor Pierre: What are you asking? WRUP? Why are you asking this question? And don’t touch me, especially you, damn healer. I’m sure you have something on your mind and you’ll hurt me… Ok, I admit it, I’m playing Darkest Dungeon these days and… are these handcuffs really necessary? and these syringes? OK, please proceed; I’ll probably get better this way… Yes, this game will definitely drive you crazy, but it’s good to suffer, isn’t it?

Your turn!

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