Corepunk preps for an early July alpha test with some massive changes


The next bout of testing for mixed genre Corepunk is almost upon us, as studio Artificial Core prepares a third alpha test to run from July 1st through 7th.

It sounds as though this test should be a lot smoother than the last: “Our main focus has been on the technical improvement of the game. It seems we have managed to eliminate the main issue with disconnects, and now we expect your gaming experience to be more stable. Parties should work as intended. We have also optimized the game and hope you will feel the improvements in game smoothness during the test.”

Additionally, the studio’s making some key adjustments in the game design itself. This includes making it harder to push up into higher levels of professions, allowing players to trade crafted items, adding more NPCs, tossing in 150 new quests, introducing the next iteration of the quest journal, and expanding the world size “by approximately 40%” with the eastern part of Goldenfield coming into play.

Source: Corepunk
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