I’m hosting some online friends at my meatspace house this month, and last March I flew out to stay with some other friends I’d been gaming with since 2004 but had never met in person. It was a blast and something I hope to do more of, travel logistics and costs notwithstanding!
What about you, MOP readers? How often do you see your online friends or guild mates in the real world? Vote after the cut!
Leaderboard: How often do you meet your online friends in meatspace?
- Wat? Never. (62%, 73 Votes)
- Not yet, but we have plans. (12%, 14 Votes)
- Once a year, usually. (13%, 15 Votes)
- A few times a year. (9%, 10 Votes)
- All the time. (4%, 5 Votes)
Total Voters: 117
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