It should be said that Massively OP’s site mission is nearly impossible, since we’re trying to keep tabs on and cover the news for hundreds of online titles. But with your tips and our various processes, we make a valiant effort to touch base across the wide spectrum of MMOs and other multiplayer titles. As a result, our umbrella is very large indeed, and on any given day we may be featuring dozens of different titles here on the site.
Of course, we never know exactly what game or games might be of personal interest to you, the reader. We have a good idea of which titles are more popular, to be sure, but one can never be sure if an article might pique a reader’s interest in a title or if readers enjoy keeping tabs on MMOs that they themselves are not currently playing.
So which MMOs do you follow here on Massively OP that you’re not playing? Do you read all of the news every day? What catches your eye when it comes to types of games and the stories about them?