Ubisoft is still feeling the effects of sexual harassment allegations at the executive level as Tommy Francois, VP of editorial and creative services, is how gone from the company entirely. Francois was previously put on administrative leave in June and widely reported to have left earlier this week, though Gamasutra’s source says he was in fact fired for cause.
Francois is now the sixth high-ranking employee to be ousted from Ubisoft over numerous accusations of sexual misconduct and perpetuating a harassing work environment for women and minorities, along with VP of editorial Maxime Beland, chief creative officer Serge Hascoet, Canadian studios managing director Yannis Mallat, HR director Cecile Cornet, and PR director Stone Chin. In fact, Gamasutra’s source also characterizes Beland’s departure as a sacking, not a resignation.
Ubisoft has been the subject of major scrutiny as employees from across the game’s offices report instances that made employees feel unsafe. CEO Yves Guillemot promised in July that he was “committed to implementing profound changes across the company to improve and strengthen our workplace culture.”