Ah, the dreaded snub. It can be so subtle, so carefully orchestrated that the person snubbed is barely certain that a snub was intended. But the sting is still there, that feeling of being rejected by the very friends you rely upon. A snub is an awful thing, from the group-based antics of old-school Final Fantasy XI to your World of Warcraft raid group “forgetting” you had signed up for the fifth straight raid. It’s the sort of thing that makes you just want to log off and, well, stay logged off.
But sometimes we all go down that route. I know there are people I’ve snubbed myself, for reasons ranging from “this person is intensely unpleasant” to “this person is grotesquely incompetent and will get the entire dungeon run repeatedly killed while also being intensely unpleasant.” So today, we ask you for your own stories. Have you ever snubbed someone in an MMO? Worse yet, have you done so when you really didn’t intend to send that message?