Randomness has been a part of most computer games since the beginning because computers can do math very quickly and randomness is exciting. Oh, is it ever exciting. After all, who doesn’t like to watch a big critical hit pop up when fighting a boss, followed by the boss dropping exactly what you want on your first run? It’s gloriously satisfying. The down side, of course, is that it’s random, and you could just as easily fail to even hit the boss randomly.
And sometimes random chance is just awful. Like with Final Fantasy XIV‘s randomly dropping Atma, or World of Warcraft‘s wildly random loot combined with a bonus roll system (which doesn’t really fix bad luck), or sometimes just the randomness of your partners in a League of Legend match. So what’s the most annoying bit of randomness that you’ve experienced in online gaming? Elusive drops? Unreliable percent chances? Or something else?