A while back I came to the realization that, for me, a game’s personality can be just as much of a make-or-break factor as its feature points and popularity. I don’t even think I was consciously aware that games had personalities until I started looking at them in that way, after which I saw that each could fit into many categories of attributes.
I guess that’s why I’m so sensitive to how a game looks, sounds, handles, and delivers narrative. If I’m not getting a sense of a strong, attractive personality out of a game, then I’m far less likely to get into it and bond with it. Bland fantasy coating on upcoming MMOs might as well be projecting a personality that isn’t even worth a first date with me, while those games that take the time to find a unique approach and come up with a defined identity have me salivating.
If MMOs do have personalities, then which has the best one in your view? What kind of personality do you look for in an online game?