Eliot Lefebvre

Eliot Lefebvre

Senior Reporter

Eliot Lefebvre has been writing on Massively Overpowered since it was created after a long and illustrious career of writing about video games for half a decade on some other site that you might have heard about. He currently pens Wisdom of Nym for Final Fantasy XIV, WoW Factor for World of Warcraft, and the industry and culture speculation of Vague Patch Notes. He also shares writing duties on Perfect Ten and writes some nonsense for What Are You Playing. No photos of him standing next to seventeen lizards in a trench coat have surfaced, coincidentally.

Twitter: @eliot_lefebvre
Streaming: Snippy Harold
Ultimate pens.

DC Universe Online launches Amazon’s Fury part II

Are you ready to go head-to-three-heads with Cerberus, guard dog of the Underworld? Because that's what you'll be doing when you pop into the...
Don't you wish your girlfriend was etc.

Defiance opens up Hellbug Season for Valentine’s Day

The last set of patch notes for Defiance noted that an event was right around the corner, but the details on that event were...
Hate the player, not the game! It's not the player's fault that they're in the game as it is.

Former PS2 producer: ‘Don’t hate on Daybreak’

After yesterday's news it's understandable that fans of Daybreak Games' software lineup might be somewhere between nervous and upset. Former PlanetSide 2 producer David...
Thanks for giving me things in response to taking things!

The Daily Grind: What do you think about Daybreak Game Company?

You know, for some reason we didn't have a whole lot of discussion about the Sony Online Entertainment buyout and name change when it...

Take a peek at Skyforge character creation and a zone panorama

What sort of character are you going to make in Skyforge? A new user video shows off the character creator and classes from the...

WoW adds Twitter integration, racing minigame

Are you doing big things in World of Warcraft that the whole world urgently needs to know about? Maybe not. Do you want to...

NCsoft Q4 2014: NCsoft financials paint a grim picture for WildStar

The good news for fans of NCsoft's game catalogue is that the company as a whole is doing well. The most recent earnings report...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV endures

Don't call it a comeback; I've been here for years. Last week, I wrote a farewell, and I wasn't happy to be doing so. I...

ArcheAge takes a look at the Diamond Shore

The Diamond Shores are no stranger to love in ArcheAge. Nor are they a stranger to militant factions taking control of its spaces. Trion...