
why does this continue

The Epic Games Store is apparently still not profitable for Epic Games

It's now been five years since Epic Games launched the Epic Games store with an eye toward dethroning Steam, as epitomized by the fact...

Gamer antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft is resubmitted with additional sales data and internal documents

Last month, an antitrust lawsuit filed by gamers against Microsoft was temporarily kicked to the curb, as the judge hearing the case ruled that...
Popcorn appropriately.

Antitrust lawsuit filed by gamers against Microsoft is tossed, but lawyers say they’ll resubmit

During the latter half of December, we reported on an antitrust lawsuit filed by gamers against Microsoft. The suit argued that Microsoft's buyout of...
well then

Gamer lawsuit over Activision-Blizzard buyout proceeds as Microsoft puts billions into OpenAI

Last month we reported on a lawsuit filed by self-described gamers who were trying to block Microsoft's acquisition of Activision-Blizzard; the filing used several...

FTC lawsuit against Microsoft enters pre-trial hearings today while the merger is approved in Chile

The antitrust lawsuit filed by the Federal Trade Commission against Microsoft is taking its first plodding steps forward. A judge confirmed last week that...

MMO Business Roundup: Blizzard Albany’s union, BioWare Pride, Sony’s antitrust lawsuit, and the P2E ‘hustle’

Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news. Business business business! Activision-Blizzard: Another group of QA testers within Activision-Blizzard have announced they're...