business models

This is not that lightsaber, but I care so little I'm not hunting down a picture.

SWTOR’s Choose Your Path promo rewards subbers

Want one of those butt-ugly lightsabers with a black core? You can get one as part of the new Choose Your Path promotion for...
Yes, yes it is.

EverQuest Next may not be F2P

SOE Daybreak has been all about "F2P your way" for a couple of years now, but comments by EverQuest Next senior producer Terry Michaels and...

Make My MMO: February 21, 2015

Welcome back to Make My MMO, a recurring column from Massively-that-was which covers crowdsourced MMOs of both the fully funded and the not-so-much variety....

The Soapbox: Has F2P worked for SOE?

The MassivelyOP staff was discussing the SOE Daybreak armageddon recently, and given the total absence of public data relating to who or what was...