
Hang on, I'm reading.

Into the Super-Verse: What to pick for your Incarnate powers in City of Heroes

Last week in Into the Super-Verse, I offered a quick explanation for how you can get started with the process of sorting out the...

Into the Super-Verse: How to get started with Incarnates in City of Heroes

It wasn't so long ago that I mentioned how pleased I was about City of Heroes matching my different intensity and goals after I...
City again.

Into the Super-Verse: Tips for building your character in City of Heroes

I mentioned the other day exactly how much effort I have been putting into my characters at the top end of City of Heroes...

Working As Intended: 10 more City of Heroes Homecoming base builds you need to see

Back in February, I revived Working As Intended to run a flurry of City of Heroes articles on the heels of Homecoming's formal license,...

Working As Intended: 10 City of Heroes Homecoming base builds you need to see

This winter, I've been obsessed with City of Heroes Homecoming's supergroup base builds, which as we've previously discussed here in Working As Intended are...

Working As Intended: A guide to City of Heroes Homecoming’s best player-crafted portal bases

A few years ago, I was wandering around in City of Heroes when someone advertised a cool base in chat. All I had to...

Working As Intended: City of Heroes macros and popmenus for noobs

In my first braindump on City of Heroes for this column, I tried to ease superhero fans into the world of modding the 20-year-old...

Working As Intended: Yes, you can make money as a newbie in City of Heroes

Something I've heard over and over from commenters and even newbies in City of Heroes Homecoming ever since the official license was announced is...
I did a thing!

Into the Super-Verse: Gearing up as a newcomer to City of Heroes Homecoming

I was originally going to spend this week opining on why the Incarnate system in City of Heroes didn't really work and why it...

Working As Intended: How to mod City of Heroes Homecoming the easy way

If you played City of Heroes a long time ago - or even back in 2019, when its secret server blossomed into a public...