
See: Elite: Dangerous

Massively Overthinking: How much research do you do before playing a new MMORPG?

On this week's MOP Podcast, Justin and I discussed our experiences in No Man's Sky (again), and both of us came to the conclusion...

Choose My Adventure: Gleeful space truckin’ through Elite Dangerous

This is, for all intents and purposes, going to be a very simple, laid back, and perhaps obnoxiously serene edition of Choose My Adventure....

Choose My Adventure: Slipping back in to the simple pleasures of Elite Dangerous

Last week's original Choose My Adventure plans took a backseat to my Soapbox on Dawntrail, so thank you for bearing with me on that,...

Elite Dangerous updates guardian weapons and addresses Titan multiplayer instability in latest patch

This week brought another small but no less impactful patch to Elite: Dangerous' Thargoid War, and while its adjustments might be granular, they're likely...

Choose My Adventure: The Elite Dangerous vs Pax Dei rematch

Nine times out of ten, I generally follow the Will of the Polls here in MOP's Choose My Adventure column without too much question...

Elite Dangerous makes additional tweaks to Thargoid War mechanics

Elite: Dangerous already made some updates to the mechanics of the Thargoid War earlier in the week, but that wasn't the end of Frontier...
Because you've got nowhere to go.

The Daily Grind: Ships, mounts, or vehicles – do you have a preferred mount type in MMOs?

MOP's own Chris inspired today's Daily Grind as last week he was drooling all over the newly revealed Elite Dangerous spaceship. "Seeing this new...

Elite Dangerous introduces its next new ship, the Type-8 cargo hauler

Space truckers of Elite: Dangerous rejoice because the game's next new ship is for you. Say hello to the Type-8, a new medium-size cargo...

Elite Dangerous makes several major adjustments to Thargoid War mechanics in latest patch

The Thargoid War in Elite: Dangerous that's currently seeing players assault the immense alien motherships known as Titans hasn't been moving at a particularly...

Elite Dangerous sells pre-built ship bundles featuring its newest internet spaceship in latest patch

The latest patch for Elite: Dangerous is a little bit less about content additions and more about the cash shop, which is now offering...

Stick and Rudder: So let’s talk about those Elite Dangerous pre-built ships

Over the past couple of days, I've been watching and writing about the fun little tire fire that Elite: Dangerous ignited when it announced...

Elite Dangerous provides an elaborate deep-dive on how Powerplay 2.0’s mechanics and rewards will work

Despite the backdrop of Frontier Developments setting Elite: Dangerous players on fire with talk about cash shop ship bundles, the studio came together for...

Elite Dangerous shares additional details on engineering updates and pre-built ship bundles

Yesterday saw Frontier Developments enrage the Elite: Dangerous playerbase when it announced plans to sell pre-built ship bundles in its cash shop, with many...

Elite Dangerous plans to sell ship bundles – including its upcoming new ship – in the cash shop

A new announcement from Elite: Dangerous has lit a tinderbox among its playerbase, as Frontier Developments has confirmed that it plans to start selling...

Elite Dangerous patches in a supercruise overcharge feature for its internet spaceships

If you assume that the word "supercruise" in Elite: Dangerous means "something that makes your ship go fast," you'd be correct. But what if...

Elite Dangerous previews visual updates of summer’s Powerplay 2.0 while promising more details later

Elite: Dangerous fans likely remember that the start of February had big plans for the spaceship sandbox, including a reworking of the powerplay mechanic...

Elite Dangerous plans adjustments to Thargoid Titan system effects as players focus on their next target

Now that Elite: Dangerous players have been emboldened by their first victory against a Thargoid Titan, the fight is moving on to a new...

Elite Dangerous players successfully destroy the first Thargoid Titan

Update 18 of Elite: Dangerous was subtitled Kill the Titans, so that headline is probably a foregone conclusion, but all the same it's worth...

Elite Dangerous shares initial details of the upcoming Python Mk II spaceship

The beginning of February saw Elite Dangerous announce something it hasn't done in literal years: plans for "at least" four new ships, the first...

Elite Dangerous Update 18 adds new weapon, multiple bug fixes, and the ‘end game’ of the Thargoid War

It is now time for Elite Dangerous players to Kill the Titans. As promised from an earlier roadmap livestream, Update 18 has officially gone...