Elite Dangerous Update 18 adds new weapon, multiple bug fixes, and the ‘end game’ of the Thargoid War


It is now time for Elite Dangerous players to Kill the Titans. As promised from an earlier roadmap livestream, Update 18 has officially gone live with the promise that “the war with the Thargoids has reached the end game,” and that appears to be thanks to a new weapon introduced this patch.

Once again Frontier Developments is being thin with the details here, but it alerts players to the addition of Guardian nanite torpedo pylons that can be acquired from rescue megaships, which appear to be the primary weapon that is to be brought to bear against the massive Thargoid Titans. The rest of the patch is otherwise full of adjustments and bug fixes that address shadow pop-in, enemy AI, multiple UI elements, and less unprovoked aggression from power play and system authority agents thanks to “calming tea and soothing music,” among other things.

The patch seems to be otherwise routine except for the fact that players are pointing out the patch’s oddly large file size, which is 30GB compared to Update 17’s 3GB, leading many to believe that there is much, much more hiding in this update than what the patch notes are leading on.

In other E:D news, last week saw the long-running Lave Radio fan podcast mark its 11th year of operation, with 477 episodes so far and nearly 1,000 hours of podcast content that is still going strong to this day – which we recognize as meritorious considering our own podcast has run for about as long.”We’re not lying when we say, ‘The fantastic community that supports this game’ (despite what you might read on the forums and reddit),” reads the post from Lave Radio host Colin. “We’ll keep going as long as there’s interesting content and people to talk to.”

sources: official forums (1, 2), Reddit, thanks to PhoenixDefire for the tip!
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