
RvR stands for “realm vs. realm,” usually a reference to faction-based player-vs.-player warfare, and frequently (though not always) in the context of more than two realms.


World of Warcraft’s pre-patch for The War Within disables both warbanks and cross-realm trading because of bugs

If you look at the pre-expansion patch World of Warcraft delivers ahead of expansions as a dry run of the expansion itself, The War...
Yeah, super, we're all real impressed.

The pre-expansion patch for World of Warcraft: The War Within is live today

Today is the day to kick off the next portion of player adventures within Azeroth... or at least the preamble to the adventures that...

Fight or Kite: Backpack Battles puts your bag sorting skills to the test

After the dungeon has been cleared, the boss has been felled, and the zerg has been wiped out, the very next thing we all...

Anvil Empires offers a look at combat updates, territory control, and the Underworld

Work on the medieval persistent war MMO Anvil Empires continues, which means that once again developer Siege Camp is providing another monthly development update...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: The mulligan problem in World of Warcraft’s narrative

In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Illidan Stormrage gets killed. This isn't actually a surprising end for the character. Illidan as a person...

Settlers of Kalguur brings a massive melee overhaul and more to Path of Exile

Given such a major change incoming with Path of Exile's Settlers of Kalguur league, you'd be forgiven for wondering whether the rest of the...

Vague Patch Notes: How widespread free-to-play impacted MMORPGs

In 2009, Dungeons & Dragons Online went free-to-play, which was a pretty big deal at the time. It was especially important to me, since...

Black Desert brings Jordine Saga and major class balancing to console, adds guild history UI to mobile

While many Black Desert players might be engaged in the large scale War of the Roses PvP instance on PC, this week has also...

Perfect Ten: Why World of Warcraft’s Legion was a top-tier expansion

While a lot of long-time World of Warcraft players will point to Wrath of the Lich King as the high point of the MMO,...

Choose My Adventure: Slipping back in to the simple pleasures of Elite Dangerous

Last week's original Choose My Adventure plans took a backseat to my Soapbox on Dawntrail, so thank you for bearing with me on that,...

Did you know that World of Warcraft is adding an arachnophobia mode?

We totally understand that spiders aren't everyone's cup of tea, especially if they're in your tea, perhaps doing a backstroke while looking up at...
doin a yell

World of Warcraft launches the pre-patch for The War Within on July 23

On July 23rd, World of Warcraft will be patched with the prelude to the upcoming The War Within expansion, and players will immediately experience...
Get back.

WoW Factor: Blizzard started listening to World of Warcraft players for a reason its leadership doesn’t want to say

I have a few different conflicting thoughts when it comes to the most recent interview with World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas, or...
aw hell

Massively Overthinking: How often do you play human MMO characters when you have other choices?

I've been thinking about this question a bit lately, partly owing to Stars Reach and partly to Project Gorgon. Playable Worlds says Stars Reach...
The outfits are an oddly mixed bag.

World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas reflects on a ‘a time of introspection and reexamination’ for the MMORPG

World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas has a lot to say regarding the changes that the game's development staff is making moving forward...

Black Desert’s 300v300 War of the Roses elite PvP battleground begins this week

If mass PvP is your jam, Black Desert has some violent delights for you in the form of War of the Roses, live on...

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration rogue server confirms leak that it’s considering subscription benefits

Uncertainty has enfolded Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Restoration III, as a player senator leaked financial plans from the team that suggest the...

Fight or Kite: Multiversus relaunched is just as fun as ever

I had been eagerly anticipating the return of Multiversus ever since it was suddenly and unceremoniously shut down last year. For those who don’t...

Elite Dangerous updates guardian weapons and addresses Titan multiplayer instability in latest patch

This week brought another small but no less impactful patch to Elite: Dangerous' Thargoid War, and while its adjustments might be granular, they're likely...

The Stream Team: The painful process of Mandalorian battle pup adoption in SWTOR

Adopting a pet is not easy, especially not in SWTOR. And especially not when it's a Mandalorian war machine, er good boi. Massively OP's...