
Gankboxes are sandboxes that place such an emphasis on unrestricted free-for-all PvP that ganking comes to dominate the entire game, to the detriment of the rest of the world design.

EVE Online details plans to adjust Equinox’s sovereignty, Zarzakh, dailies, and ship skin tool

Now that the Equinox update of EVE Online has been out in the wild for just over a month, CCP Games is prepared to...

Sea of Thieves Season 13 adds a world event-sized ship for players to capture and new gameplay elements

Today is the day when Sea of Thieves players can become the world event - and possibly have everyone's guns trained on them in...

Anvil Empires offers a look at combat updates, territory control, and the Underworld

Work on the medieval persistent war MMO Anvil Empires continues, which means that once again developer Siege Camp is providing another monthly development update...
ganky gank

Albion Online’s Paths to Glory update goes live with a task journal, dynamic spawns, and quality-of-life

Usually people aren't happy to see a list of tasks arrive to them, but in the case of Albion Online, there are ideally lots...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs are low-key pay-to-win but somehow avoid criticism?

A thread on the MMORPG subreddit caught my eye a few weeks ago as the post author suggested that Albion Online was not only...

Sea of Thieves Season 13 will let players become the villainous world event on July 25

Sometimes it's good to be bad, and that's the opportunity being afforded to players of Sea of Thieves on Thursday, July 25th, which is...

Quinfall opens its beta to the public for the final two days of its run, but there’s a small catch

Were you among those who weren't selected to join in the second closed beta of Quinfall? Then you're in luck because Vawraek Technologies has...

EVE Vanguard talks up its vision for ‘a true MMOFPS’ in latest video

For better or worse, CCP Games has had no lack of lofty aspirations, and while many of them have either fallen flat or are...

Stalcraft X is an overhaul of the original free-to-play survival extraction MMOFPS

There are enough multiplayer shooters out there to have some fly under the radar, which has arguably been the case for the MMOFPS Stalcraft,...

EVE Online outlines plans to continue its nullsec focus and release Vanguard to Steam early access

EVE Online fans have gotten their first taste of what the rest of this year is looking like for their favorite gankbox, as CCP...

CCP Games CEO says making EVE Online’s dev platform open source cements the MMO’s legacy

EVE Online developer CCP Games is planning on making its Carbon development platform open source sometime later this year, which will grant interested developers...

Massively Overthinking: Do you have a ‘mental block’ in MMORPGs?

Back in June, MMO blogger Belghast from Tales of the Aggronaut penned a fun blog about having had a mental block against tanking. "Something happened...

Mortal Online 2 releases its mastery tree system, adds a new dungeon, and introduces more items

No, Mortal Online 2 is not making characters masters of climbing trees; it's adding a mastery tree for them to climb in its latest...

Perfect Ten: 10 more MMOs you’ve already forgotten ever existed, from Elyon to Defiance

Last year, I assembled a list of 10 former MMOs that not only have ceased to exist but have ceased to be remembered (for...

Daybreak bought Palia studio Singularity 6 and aims to bring the game to launch

File this one under "did not see this coming in a million years but also not sad about it whatsoever": Daybreak has acquired Palia...

Albion Online brings an activity journal and Roads of Avalon tweaks in July’s Paths to Glory update

Whenever Albion Online director Robin Henkys sits in the Comfy Chairâ„¢, you know that there's some news coming to the sandbox MMORPG. And sure...

Mortal Online 2 begins testing of a new mastery system on PTR

What do you do when you've climbed the top of the clade leveling mountain in Mortal Online 2? You find a new peak to...
It's a fooler.

Perfect Ten: The MMORPG terms we use but never define, from murderhobo to sandpark

Over in Vague Patch Notes, I have an ongoing series of columns that I describe as being primarily about having useful notes for us...

EVE Echoes has spent 2024 pumping out events, balancing, new regions, new ships, and a cheater crackdown

Most of the EVE Online-shaped noise has been coming out of... well, EVE Online, particularly since its Equinox update went live and testing for...

EVE Vanguard engages its latest subscriber-only playtest with new map and mechanics

Yesterday wasn't just the summer solstice; it was also the start of the Solstice event/playtest for EVE Vanguard, the integrated FPS mode of EVE...